- Pewter articles considered as a group. 锡镴器皿被认为白镴制品的总称
- pewter solder 锡焊料
- Tin enters into the composition of pewter. 锡是白的成分之一。
- Those with money had plates made of pewter. 有钱人使的是用焊锡做的盘子。
- Utensils made from this variety of pewter. 白镴器皿用这种白镴制成的器皿
- "Pure tin is too weak to be used alone, But its many alloys include soft solder, pewter, Bronze, and low-temperature casting alloys. 纯锡太软,不好单独使用,而是用它的许多合金,包括软焊料、白镴,青铜以及低温浇铸合金。
- The minister stated that a tinker's dam was a dam made by itinerant menders of tinware on a pewter plate to contain the solder. 牧师表示,‘a tinker's dam’是游走于各地的锡器修补匠们在修补器皿时所围成的一个围边,用来填放焊料并防止焊料外溢。)”
- In the museum we saw antique pewter plates. 我们在博物馆看到古时的白镴盘子。
- A moderately hard variety of pewter. 白镴中等硬度的白镴
- Suit for reflow and wave flow solder. 适应再流焊与波峰焊。
- Lead enters into the composition of pewter. 铅是白镴的组成部分。
- SMOBC: Solder mask over bare copper. 一种阻焊层覆盖裸铜的工艺。
- At a certain temperature, lead becomes pewter. 在特定温度下,铅可以转化成白蜡。
- Type of high density solder mask. 一种高密度焊料掩膜。
- Is there a standard lead-free solder alloy? 是否存在一种标准无铅焊料合金?
- Heat stability is more evident with solder paste. 焊锡膏的热稳定性就更为明显。
- Stir solder paste in container before use. 使用时搅拌容器内的焊膏。
- Automatically clean the sediment before solder. 自动刮除氧化的锡,达到清理锡液面的功能。
- All electronics assemblies using lead in solder. 使用含铅焊料的所有电子配件。
- Do not solder directly to cells or batteries. 不要直接对电池进行焊接。