- petroleum resources properties 石油资源资产
- Low-grade petroleum reserves has a large proportion in the total petroleum resources in China. 低品位石油储量在中国石油资源总量中占有很大的比重。
- Exploration for and development of petroleum resources in many basins requires detailed knowledge of the nature of various types of turbidite systems. 许多盆地石油资源的勘探与开发要求对各种类型的浊积体系有细致的了解。
- How safety, develop efficiently the petroleum resources is a hard nut to crack to put in the petroleum industry in front. 如何安全、高效地开发石油资源是摆在石油工业面前的一道难题。
- In order to improve economic results and reasonably use petroleum resources, coker gatch was blended with the feedstock in hydrocracking plant. 为提高经济效益、合理利用石油资源,采用在加氢裂化装置原料中掺炼焦化蜡油。
- That queries resource properties to set each action status. 该子元素查询资源属性以设置每一个操作的状态。
- A new petroleum resources classification system was declared by SPE/WPC/AAPG in 2002 and is quite different from China's. 石油工程师学会(SPE)、世界石油大会(WPC)和美国石油学家协会(AAPG)于2002年联合推出的新的油气资源分类体系,与中国的分类有较大差别。
- Jin Zhijun,Zhang Jinchuan.Fundamental principles for petroleum resources assessments[J].Acta Petrolei Sinica,2002,23(1):19- 23. 赵文智;胡素云;沈成喜;等.;油气资源评价的总体思路和方法体系[J]
- In addition to defining hierarchical classes that resources can belong to, OWL allows the characteristics of resources properties to be expressed. 除了定义资源可以属于的层次结构类,OWL还允许表达资源的属性特征。
- Petroleum resources onshore China are abundant, through half century of exploration a great achievement has been made in China. 我国陆上油气资源十分丰富,经过半个世纪的勘探取得了举世瞩目的成就。
- The Petroleum Resources Assessment Expert System(PRES)and Its Application[A]Abstracts of International Symposium on Computer Applications in Geoscience[C], 1991 . 王伟元.;PRES油气资源评价专家系统及其应用[A]计算机在地学中的应用国际讨论会论文摘要集[C];1991
- While the distribution of both global and Chinese petroleum resources is in equilibrium and they are exploited unrestrainedly, which resulted in petroleum crisis. 而全球乃至我国石油资源分布的不平衡性以及伴随的高负荷地勘探开采的现状,引发了种种的石油危机。
- Article 5 The State shall not expropriate the investments and income of foreign enterprises that participate in the cooperative exploitation of continental petroleum resources. 第四条 中国政府依法保护参加合作开采陆上石油资源的外国企业的合作开采活动及其投资、利润和其他合法权益。
- The soybean oil ink,with renewable soybean oil as raw material,could reduce the consumption of global petroleum resources and has bright environmental advantages. 大豆油油墨采用了可再生的大豆油作为原料,大大节省了全球石油资源,具有鲜明的环境保护的优点。
- China, Japan and Korea all lie in Northeast Asia, there is an overbalance of petroleum reservation and each of them has its own advantage in petroleum resources. 中、日、韩三国同在东北亚地区,石油资源储量贫富不一,石油自身优势不尽相同。
- Profitable exploration and development of petroleum resources in many basins requires detailed knowledge of the nature and expression of the many varieties of turbidite and related systems. 在许多盆地中,要对石油资源进行赢利性开发,要求详细了解浊积层及相关体系的性质及其各种不同形式的变体。
- Available knotty problem about exploration situation require petroleum resources theory, technology, operating position manipulation, together with carefully research about source rocks characteristics, foreland basin evolutionary. 这些问题需要紧密结合前陆盆地构造发育和含煤地层沉积的特点,研究烃源岩分布差异性特征,从煤系烃源岩、天然气成藏理论和勘探技术等方面加以解决。
- When storage and grid resources expose Web services for functional or management purposes, they should use the WSRF Resource Properties to provide a foundation for describing and accessing any state. 当存储和网格资源提供用于功能和管理目的的Web服务时,它们应该使用WSRF Resource Properties来提供描述和访问任何状态的基础。
- China is such a developing country of lacking petroleum resource, its petroleum supply depends highly upon the world petroleum market. 摘要我国是一个石油资源紧缺的发展中国家,石油供给高度依赖于世界石油市场。
- Which maintains a metadata vocabulary influenced by library science. It is often used for stating resource properties such as titles, description, authorship, copyright, and so on. 它维护了一个受图书馆科学影响的词汇表,常常用于声明资源属性,如标题、描述、作者、版权等。