- Pressure separation controlled the petroleum accumulation and distribution to a certain degree. 压力分隔化在一定程度上控制着油气在地层中的聚集与分布。
- The distribution characteristics of long chain alkyl benzene in different state hydrocarbon can be used for petroleum accumulation dating. 长链烷基苯在不同赋存状态烃的分布特徵,可以应用于油气聚集时间和成藏差异的研究。
- Hydrocarbon in the Ordovician petroleum accumulation system originated from the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician source rocks. 塔中低凸起奥陶纪油气成藏体系的源岩为寒武系及下奥陶统烃源岩 ;
- The Crude Oil Group Analysis of Western Taibei Sag and Classification of Its Petroleum Accumulation Stages in Turpan-Hami Basin. 吐哈盆地台北西部原油族群及成藏期划分
- The thermal evolution history of source rocks and the oil seeps proved that petroleum accumulation had happened in the area once. 烃源岩热演化史及地面油苗显示证实本区有油气运移聚集的条件和历史。
- It is proved by exploration that the petroleum accumulation is controlled by paleouplift and paleoslope in the Tarim basin. 摘要塔里木盆地古隆起和古斜坡控制油气富集已为勘探实践所证实。
- From a tectonic point of view,foreland basins related to plate collision are areas favorable for petroleum accumulation. 从区域构造的观点看,同板块碰撞有关的前陆盆地是油气聚集的有利地区。
- Gong Zhasheng and Li Sitian. Basin Analysis and Petroleum Accumulation of the Northern South China Sea Continental Margin Basin. Beijing: Science Press, 1997. 龚再升,李思田。南海北部大陆边缘盆地分析与油气聚集。北京:科学出版社,1997。
- The intensity, development mechanism of the neotectonics, and their controls on petroleum accumulation and distribution are quite different in different basins. 不同盆地新构造运动的强度、发育机制不同;其对油气成藏与分布的控制亦不同.
- The fan delta front sandbody is the most advantageous zone of petroleum accumulation because of its great thickness, coarse grainsize, well sorting and good physical properties. 扇三角洲前缘砂体单层厚度大,砂岩粒度较粗,颗粒分选及物性好,是石油富集的最有利相带。
- Some samples from oil zone are lack of high value of grain index (higher than 5%), which indicates rapid petroleum accumulation or shallower accumulation. 一些油层中含油包裹体颗粒指数高值缺乏指示了快速成藏或浅部成藏。
- Methods of Geochronology of Petroleum Accumulation 成藏年代学研究现状
- dynamics of petroleum accumulation 成藏动力学
- multi-period petroleum accumulation 多期成藏
- Vacuum checking problems under the different working environments were analyzed in the design process of liquefied petroleum accumulator pot. 分析了液化石油气贮罐在设计过程中,不同的工作环境真空校核问题。
- The Meso-Cenozoic tectonic movements have great influence on present petroleum accumulations in Paleozoic basins in the south of China. 南华北中南部中新生代盆地的形成演化主要受郯庐断裂带、大别造山带构造运动的制约。
- Such variety of condensate pools here was resulted form multi-tectonic movements and multi-stage petroleum accumulations. 该区经历了多期构造运动的改造,油气也经历了多期成藏,形成了现今多种多样的凝析气(田)藏。
- Conditions of petroleum accumulation 油气成藏条件
- petroleum accumulation mechanism 油气成藏机理
- history of petroleum accumulation 成藏期