- DENG Xiao-ping regards Socialism as some kind of social form, social institution and social ideal, of which the characteristics are presented diversely on stages of economy, politics and culture. 摘要邓小平认为社会主义是一种社会形态、一种社会制度、一种社会理想,它的基本特征体现在经济、政治和文化多个层面,这是社会全面发展的观点。
- The theory horizontally reveals the social form as an organism constituted by multiple elements. 在横向上,它揭示了社会形态是一个多重要素构成的有机体。
- In this chapter we are concerned with the general features of the way in which a social group brings up its immature members into its own social form. 我们在本章要研究社会群体把未成熟的成员培养成它自己的社会模式的方法的一般特征。
- Marxist economics not only researches general production but emphasizes researching the concrete social form of production, and therefore regards value as the center of research. 而马克思主义经济学则不仅研究生产一般,更注重研究生产的具体社会形式,因而把价值范畴作为研究的核心。
- Authors like William Dean Howells and Henry James, though not usually considered typical reform writers, critiqued the practice of social form in their fictions. 随南北战争的结束之而起的是美国资本主义的兴起,豪威尔斯却在小说中批判了当时因社会经济的扩张而被忽略的道德问题。
- Shunji is exploring unceasingly, diligently, indomitable Starts and undertakingunder the spirit, obtains the social form All walks of life friend’s care and thesupport. 顺吉在不断探索、努力、百折不挠的创业精神下,得到社会各界朋友的关心和支持。
- Education plays an important role in the process of the college students" politics socialization. 在大学生的政治社会化过程中教育起着十分重要的作用。
- He says that the social form that Jewishness takes in Christian societies is worship of money, which is also the reality of Christian material life within commercial society. 他认为宗教生活的内容提供了某些社会问题的线索,他说明犹太人在基督教社会中所采取的社会形式是对金钱的崇拜,这正是商业社会中基督教物质生活的本质。
- By comparison, the G7 nations operate as if governed by polite social etiquette. 相比之下,G7国家的运作似乎太过文雅,受到各种社会礼节的束缚。
- The jealousy of the males prevents the herd, the higher social form, from coming into existence, or weakens its cohesion, or breaks it up during the mating period; at best, it attests its development. 由于这种忌妒,作为共居生活较高形式的群,在一些场合成为不可能,而在另一些场合则被削弱,或在交尾期间趋于瓦解,最多不过是,其进一步的发展受到阻碍。
- Hindu nationalism, a political social ethos tinged with strongly-emphasized communalism, is a theoretical system and political movement. 摘要印度教民族主义是一种带有强烈教派主义色彩的社会政治思潮,是一种强调印度教至尊的理论体系和政治运动。
- In contrast to the specific form of modernization, capitalism, the future social form that Marx conceived is a kind of "post modern social form", i.e., the form after transcending capitalism and community economy. 马克思设想的未来社会形态,相对资本主义这种特定现代化形态来讲,是一种“后现代社会形态”,即超越资本主义和商品经济后的社会形态。
- Whether their politics socialization is successful or not is not only related to their personal future and fate , but connected with the stability of the society and thriving of the country as well. 其政治社会化顺利与否、成功与否,既关系到他们个人的前途和命运,也关系到社会的稳定以及国家的兴衰。
- Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health. 布莱克先生由于健康不佳而退出政治生涯。
- After graduation form Oxford Kent launched into politics. 在牛津大学毕业后,肯特投入了政界。
- It has come within the range of practical politics. 这就属于可实施性政治的范围了。
- An obtuse, boring, or bothersome person; a pest. 讨厌的人愚钝的、无聊的或讨厌的人; 害人精
- She plays an active part in local politics. 她积极参与地方政治活动。
- Developments in production challenge old prejudices and old ways of organising society, but they do not automatically overthrow those old prejudices and social forms. 生产的发展挑战旧的成见和旧的社会组织方式,但它们并不自动推翻那些旧的成见和社会形态。
- He has serious aspirations to a career in politics. 他有从政的雄心壮志。