- The Party forbids all forms of personality cult. 党禁止任何形式的个人崇拜。
- The Cultural Revolution made the personality cult reach its peak. 文化大革命把个人崇拜推向了登峰造极的地步。
- An extraordinary personality cult had been created around the leader. 在这位领导人的周围兴起了一场异乎寻常的个人崇拜。
- Perhaps Mr Obama inwardly cringes at the personality cult that surrounds him. 也许奥巴马内心并不赞成人们对他的个人崇拜。
- In 1956 Stalin and his personality cult were denounced by Nikita Khrushchev. 1956年史达林和他的人格崇拜受到赫鲁雪夫谴责。
- After the smashing of the Gang of Four,the personality cult continued for a period of time. 粉碎“四人帮”后,还把个人崇拜的一套搬了一段时间。
- After the smashing of the Gang of Four, the personality cult continued for a period of time. 粉碎“四人帮”后,还把个人崇拜的一套搬了一段时间。
- Some describe Microsoft a "personality cult," which may be an exaggeration but contains some truth. 有人称微软是搞“个人崇拜”,虽有点夸张,但也有点道理。
- In those days, China turned into a totalitarian madhouse focused on the personality cult of leader Mao Zedong. 那时候,中国的极权统治登峰造极,对毛泽东大搞个人崇拜。
- Personality cults are always subjective and blind. 个人崇拜往往带有主观性、盲目性。
- The personality cult is the product combined by the inevitability and the fortuity of certain development stage of the Chinese Communist Party. 个人崇拜的产生有其复杂的社会历史根源、想认识根源以及制度上的原因。
- Privileges based on position and property have always seemed to me unjust and pernicious, as does any exaggerated personality cult. 我总认为以地位与财产为基础的特权是不公正而且有害的,夸张的个人崇拜亦然。
- Privileges based on position and property have always seemed to me unjust and pernicious,as does any exaggerated personality cult. 我一直认为,来自于地位和财产的特权是不公平和有害的,任何被夸大的个人崇拜也一样。
- A state figurehead that people worship fanatically through a vast personality cult, such as Nineteen Eighty-Four' s Big Brother, We's The Benefactor, or Equilibrium's Father. 一个被有强烈个人崇拜的人们所崇敬的傀儡国家领袖。像1984中的老大哥,我们中的恩主公或者是重装任务中的父亲。
- In a political broadcast, looking more like a pop video, he promised long-term gain for short 4erm pain.And the country believed him.The Koizumi personality cult flourished. 在一个看起来更绿通俗电视的政治节目中,他承诺将以短期的疼痛来换取长期的收获,全国都信任他。
- Some of those we established in the past were, in fact, tainted by feudalism, as manifested in such things as the personality cult, the patriarchal ways or styles of work, and the life tenure of cadres in leading posts. 我们过去的一些制度,实际上受了封建主义的影响,包括个人迷信、家长制或家长作风,甚至包括干部职务终身制。
- Some of those we established in the past were,in fact,tainted by feudalism,as manifested in such things as the personality cult,the patriarchal ways or styles of work,and the life tenure of cadres in leading posts. 我们过去的一些制度,实际上受了封建主义的影响,包括个人迷信、家长制或家长作风,甚至包括干部职务终身制。
- To avoid self-contradiction, it is necessary to testify new viewpoints with the basic theory of Marxism and to seriously liquidate the distortion of dogmatism of personality cult to basic principle of Marxism to recover the original visage of Marxism. 要避免自相矛盾,就要用马克思主义基本理论来证明新观点,就要认真清理个人崇拜的教条主义对马克思主义基本原理的曲解,恢复马克思主义的本来面貌。
- It is commonly accepted that due to his conceitedness and self-satisfaction, Mao Zedong in his later years when facing up to the achievements makes the mistake of personality cult is. 摘要普遍认为,毛泽东晚年犯个人崇拜的错误是由于其在成绩面前骄傲自满,此结论需要重新研究。
- For a long time, dogmatism of personality cult has distorted the basic law of Marxism by always saying that the ruling status of the communist party is inherent and is got once and forever. 摘要长期以来,人个崇拜的教条主义曲解了马克思主义的基本原理,总是说:共产党的执政地位是与生俱来的,也是一劳永逸的。