- We offer a personal service to our customers. 我们为 顾客提供个人服务。
- “Occupation” in the personal service income column refers to independent or dependent personal service of the claimant. 个人劳务所得中的职业填写申请人为独立个人劳务或非独立个人劳务;
- personal service income [经] 个人营务所得
- We offer a personal service to all our customers. 我们为所有顾客提供个别服务。
- The hotel offers a friendly atmosphere and personal service. 这家旅馆服务周到,使客人感到宾至如归。
- For magnificence and personal service there is the queen's hotel. 要想享受富丽堂皇的感觉以及私人服务,可以住女王饭店。
- They offer a personal service that you would expect from a family firm. 他们提供了一个家族企业力所能及提供的个人服务。
- With us and enjoy personalized service. 你的账户,并享用个人化的服务。
- Income from personal services provided inside the People's Republic of China because of the tenure of an office, employment, the performance of a contract, etc. 因任职、受雇、履约等而在中国境内提供劳务取得的所得;
- First,environment faced by telecom service providers is analyzed from different point of view,which includes investment trend in telecom service industry,service de-velopment trend,service income of service providers and requirement of users. 首先从不同角度分析了通信服务商目前面临的环境,包括通信服务业的投资趋势、业务发展趋势、服务提供商的业务收入情况以及用户的需求;
- Foreign individuals who derive income from personal services provided (including design work, shows, performances, advisory positions, brokerage services, agency services, etc. 在中国境内提供独立劳务(如设计、表演、经纪等)而取得所得的外籍人员(劳务报酬所得);
- JY Design is a multidisciplinary practice with an emphasis on personal service and commitment to excellent design. 本事务所遵守高质量设计、客户至上的原则,根据每一个客户的特殊需求,提供最出色的专业服务。
- We deliver personal services tailored to client needs. 我们提供特为客户而设的服务。
- Small suburban shops can't compete with the chainstores in price, though they can do so in personal service. 郊区小商店尽管在顾客服务方面能够与联营商店竞争,但是在价格上却是不能与之抗衡的。
- Small suburban shops can't compete with the chainstores in price,though they can do so in personal service. 郊区小商店尽管在顾客服务方面能够与联营商店竞争,但是在价格上却是不能与之抗衡的。
- We ask that any one refusing to give personal service or to furnish arms shall meet the punishment of death. 谁拒绝供职或提供武器,我们要求判处他死刑。
- data communication service income 数据通信业务收入
- Cite the examples of the personalized service of the foreign library. 举出国外图书馆个性化服务的范例。
- It was chiefly the poorer citizens of Athens who sustained this empire by their most vigorous and incessant personal service. 维持这个帝国的主要是雅典的贫苦公民的极端奋勇和孜孜不倦的个人服役。
- On behalf of HKSAR Government, the Secretary for Economic Development and Labour, Mr Stephen Ip, signed an Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement on shipping and air services income with Singapore. 经济发展及劳工局局长叶澍代表香港特别行政区政府与新加坡签署对航运及空运入息的避免双重课税协议。