- personal safety event 个人紧急情况
- Personal safety is of primary importance. 个人安全是最重要的事情。
- This is not only a personal safety issue. 这不仅是一个个人安全问题。
- We recognize that personal safety is a major issue for seniors. 我们认识到耆英的个人安全是一个大项目。
- Her actions manifested a complete disregard for personal safety. 她的行为证明她完全不顾个人安危。
- The firemen didn't give a thought to their personal safety. 消防员们已把生死置之度外。
- The law is not justified as a protection of personal safety. 作为对个人安全的保护,该法是不正当的。
- He went to the rescue of a drowning child regardless of his personal safety. 他把个人安危置之度外去救一个溺水儿童。
- Our goal is to improve home and personal safety for this very vulnerable group. 我们的目标是改善这群脆弱人士的家居及个人安全。
- Gorbachev's motorcade grew, apparently to enhance his personal safety. 戈尔巴乔夫的车队也增大了,这显然是为了保证他个人安全的缘故。
- For your personal safety, do not use the GPS receiver while driving a vehicle. 哈哈,GPS接收机就是驾驶车辆时用的。所以我译错了,应该只是不要在驾车时操作。是不是呀?
- New China's Constitution and laws guarantee that every Tibetan enjoys the right of subsistence and personal safety. 新中国宪法和法律,保障了西藏人民人人享有生命与人身安全的权利。
- New China's Constitution and laws guarantee that every Tibetan enjoys the right to subsistence and personal safety. 新中国宪法和法律,保障了西藏人民人人享有生命与人身安全的权利。
- And they are welcome to send people over here. Personal safety would be guaranteed and the whole thing would be kept confidential. 也欢迎他们派人来,保证安全、保密。
- There were NO reported serious, sight-threatening or unanticipated safety events. 目前,还没有接到有关的常见问题。
- Criminals have the right to protection against assault on their human dignity or personal safety under all circumstances. 罪犯有在任何情况下人格不受侮辱、人身安全不受侵犯的权利。
- Method The occurrences of food safety events caused by insanitary meat products in China were reviewed. 方法分析我国目前肉类产品存在的主要的安全卫生质量问题,归纳目前我国肉品安全事件频繁发生的原因。
- He was the most timorous person in that event. 在那次事件中他是个胆小鬼。
- Personal safety is the first priority; a bear can be a very dangerous animal if provoked or habituated to humans. 如果熊被惹恼或者熟悉人类,熊可能会变成非常危险的动物。
- Sharing experience acquired from safety events by evaluation and promulgation of information related to accidents and incidents. 通过评估和公布事故相关信息,共享从安全事故中获取的经验教训。