- He pointed out the direction of life to students of the university,which let them walk fewer detours and view of personal career planning sensiblely. 让大家解开了心结,吸取了很多经验和教训,向同学们提了很好的建议,为同学们的大学生活指明了方向,少走弯路,理智的看待个人的职业规划。
- Conclusion The personalcareer planningCombining HTP, sand play, the Hollands and the concrete career guiding can be a pplied as a program of personal career planning. 结论综合HTP、箱庭、霍兰德职业性向测验、具体职业生涯指导4方面所进行的个人职业生涯规划,可作为个人职业生涯规划咨询流程具体运用。
- personal career planning 个人职业生涯规划
- Place my personal career interests above all else. 将我个人的事业排在首位,对与其所有相关的事情都感兴趣。
- Your 9 most important career planning tips. 为您提供9条最为重要的职业计划指南。
- Training and support for personal career development. 良好的培训支持与个人发展计划。
- You should build job rotation into your career planning. 员工应使工作轮换成为其职业规划的一部分。
- Good career planning can lead to a satisfying career. 良好的职业规划可以使你有一个满意的职业。
- Career development and succession planning means that individuals are given the opportunity to experience new challenges and attain their personal career aspirations. 对我们来说,事业发展与延续规划意味着每个人都有机会经历全新的挑战,达成个人的职业理想。
- How well does your position align with your personal career objective? 你的职位与你的个人职业生涯目标符合吗?
- A What about you? What are your career plans? A你呢?你的事业计划是什么?
- In the kindergarten interns job pressure in term of personal factors, future career plan and participating in the practice teaching differences are significant. 三、幼稚园实习教师个人变项中,未来生涯规划、参与教育实习意愿影响工作压力的感受差异。
- Now Ramos has confirmed his long-term career plan includes a move abroad. 现在拉莫斯承认他的长期职业规划包括去国外发展。
- In this complicated world, everybody is working hard for personal career, for the family, for the life, and may in hurry and in bustling sometimes. 在这个错综复杂的世界里,大家都正在为自己的事业,家庭,生活,感情,奔波着,忙碌着;
- CVShop is dedicated to inoculating individual's career goals and social demands, providing the most effectual solution to personal career development. CV工作室致力于个人职业目标和现代社会生活需求的融合,为个人发展提供有效解决方案。
- Career planning is an oxymoron. The most exciting opportunities tend to be unplanned. 练剑的最高境界是,手中无剑,心中有剑,是不是这么说的?
- A friend of a friend is a friend, so join us and meet old friends, make new friends and empower your personal career network. 所有从事业务经理,商业业主,外籍人士,人力资源人员,猎头公司的专业人士,都是值得欢迎的。
- Staffers and supervisors who want to be familiar with basic skills of career planning. 希望掌握职业生涯规划基本技能的企业职员和主管。
- Faced with a tight job market,many job seekers are improving their competitive edge by creating personal career portfolios. 面对紧张的就业市场,许多求职者都通过创建个人职业卷宗来提高他们的竞争能力。
- A: the conference on career planning is only a month away, but there are still a few things that our organizing committee needs to work out. 职场规划的会议还有一个月要开了啊。但是。我们组织委员会仍然有多东西要准备。