- He quickly develops among British enlisted men an intense devotion and adoration-the greatest personal asset a commander can possess. 他很快地使英军士兵发展效忠精神,这是一个指挥官的最大私人资本。
- Business and personal assets can be seized. 生意和个人资产仍有被充公的可能。
- A sense of humor,God's greatest gift to mankind,is universally considered the most valuable personality asset. 幽默感是上帝赐予人类的最伟大的礼物,普遍地被认为是最有价值的人格财富。
- Once the business fails,they have to declare personal bankruptcy and could lose personal assets,too. 一旦生意失败,他们便不得不宣布破产,还可能丧失个人财产。
- If the losses prove to be greater than the investment the individual is responsible for paying them, even if this deplete all personal assets. 如果亏损大于投资,即使倾家荡产业主也必须自己负责偿付。
- Personal assets in UK and Overseas generating an income disposable in the United Kingdom. 在英国和海外收入产生的私人资产,并且在英国可任意使用。
- Once the business fails, they have to declare personal bankruptcy and could lose personal assets, too. 一旦生意失败,他们便不得不宣布破产,还可能丧失个人财产。
- A vow of celibacy and the relinquishment of all personal assets hardly seemed a sacrifice. 宣誓要独身和放弃个人的全部财产几乎算不上什么牺牲。
- Greenberg's personal assets were estimated to be 19 billion U.S. dollars, but it may have been greatly reduced. 格林伯格的个人资产一度被估计有19亿美元,但现在可能已经极大地缩水。
- Your creditors can ask you to dig deeper into your personal assets: the bonds set aside for junior's education, the old farmstead, and the rest. 你的债主可以要求你深挖你个人的资产;为了你儿子的教育而储备的储蓄、祖传的田产及其他。
- If the losses prove to be greater than the investment, the individual is responsible for paying them, even if this depletes all personal assets. 如果亏损大于投资,业主本人即使倾家荡产也有责任偿还债务。
- Creditors have a legal claim on the personal assets of the owners of a corporation if the corporation does not pay its debts. 当企业无法偿付负债,债权人拥有法律上的请求权,要求企业的所有人变卖私人财产。
- Zhouyufei presentation for the Housing Trust to lease another significant personal assets can be invigorated, the Housing mobility. 通过房屋信托租赁无需出租人和承租人见面,就可以完成整个租赁过程中的各个环节运作。
- Top government officials are required to disclose their personal assets, income, liabilities and business relationships as a practice of transparency in the government. 与此同时,为了提高政府的透明度,所有高层官员必须公开个人资产、入息、负债和各种业务关系。
- China's top founder Peregrine Hu said China more than 10,000,000 yuan of personal assets of 50 million people, more than 38,000,000 yuan of the 15 million people. 中国大陆百富榜创始人胡润透露,中国个人资产超过1000万元的有50万人,超过3800万元的则有15万人。
- The firm has an important asset in the person of the director of research. 公司有一巨大财富,就是研究部主任这个人。
- They shun personal fame and gains. 他们不计个人名利。
- Every person is accountable for his own work. 每个人都要对自己的工作负责。
- Over the years, Chou has learned to ignore comments about his birthmark while cultivating a habitual concentration and precocious calm, which have become his valuable personal assets in the highly competitive game of Go. 随著岁月流逝,周俊勋也学著不去在意别人怎麽讲他脸上的胎记,同时培养专注和冷静的习性,让他能在围棋的激烈竞争中临危不乱。