- What is your greatest personal accomplishment? (你个人最重大的成就是什么?)
- An immaterial asset or benefit, such as a service or personal accomplishment, regarded as an article of commerce. 无形商品:被视作商品的非实体性的财产或利益,如某一项服务或个人成就。
- Job burnout of teachers is a syndrome of emotion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. 中小学教师工作倦怠主要表现为:情感耗竭、人格解体、个体成就感降低。
- Age was a significant predictor of reduction of personal accomplishment (P<0.05). 年龄对成就感降低有显著的预测作用(P<0.;05)。
- Summary:personal accomplishment of the writer be a writer creations indispensability of condition. 摘要:作家的个人修养是作家创作不可缺少的条件。
- Positive coping style is excellent negative predictor of depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment... 结论心理控制源和应对方式是影响护士工作倦怠问题的重要因素。
- OB"s major features are emotionalprostration, depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment. 职业倦怠的主要特征有非人性化、情感枯竭、低成就感。
- The rate of emotional exhaustion was 27.94%, depersonalization was 23. 53% and reduced personal accomplishment was 32.35%. 倦怠三因素耗竭、士气消沉、动机丧失的检出率分别为27.;94%25、23
- Neuroticism was a significant predictor of exhaustion (P<0.01), depersonalization (P<0.01) and reduction of personal accomplishment (P<0.01). 情绪稳定性对耗竭(P<0.;01)、人格解体(P<0
- The results show that there are three factors in CMBI named exhaustion,depersonalization,and reduced personal accomplishment. 结果表明,工作倦怠由耗竭、人格解体和成就感降低三个因素构成。
- Job burnout can be manifested in the following 3 aspects: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished personal accomplishment. 工作倦怠的表现有三个方面,即情绪衰竭、人格解体和个人成就感降低。
- Results: Introversion-extroversion was a significant predictor of exhaustion (P<0.01) depersonalization (P<0.05) and reduction of personal accomplishment (P<0.01). 结果:内外倾对耗竭(P<0.;01)、人格解体(P<0
- And achieve a number of substantial works of exercise can also be a good person at the patient unconsciously enhance the spirit of personal accomplishment. 而完成一些大幅的作品还可以极好的锻炼一个人的耐心在不知不觉中提高了个人的精神素养。
- Results Degree of the emotional exhaustion in university teachers was normal, while their depersonalization was normal and sense of personal accomplishment was high. 结果高校教师在职业倦怠的情绪衰竭程度上较严重,非人性化程度一般,个人成就感较高。
- Job burnout was assessed by Chinese Maslach Burnout Inventory, which included 3 factors, namely emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of personal accomplishment. 在2个因素上得分高于临界值以法院为单位匿名施测。
- Only one teacher stress (role strain) and one teacher's professional attitude (understanding student) influenced personal accomplishment and depersonalization through the third canonical factor. 就第三个典型因素而言,仅有一项工作压力(角色方面)和一项专业态度(暸解学生特性),透过第三个典型因素而影响个人成就感及缺乏人性两项工作心厌。
- Burnout was a psychological syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment that could occur among individuals who worked with other people in some capacity. 工作倦怠是在以人为服务对象的职业领域中,个体的一种情感耗竭、人格解体和个人成就降低的症状。
- Teacher burnout is generally conceived to be a chronic response to extreme pressures and involves three central dimensions: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. 摘要教师职业倦怠是教师长期处于工作压力下的一种极端反应,它是包括情绪衰竭、非人性化和低成就感在内的一种综合症状群。
- Police's burnout is an extremely reaction to prolonged work stress,which includes a psychological syndrome of emotional exhaustion,depersonalization,and reduced personal accomplishment. 警察工作倦怠是警察长期处于工作压力下的一种极端反应,它是包括情绪耗竭、人格解体、个人成就感降低在内的一种综合症候群。
- I sincerely hope that my friends, mature, humor, passion, self-confidence, a good educational background and personal accomplishment, have sufficient capacity to meet their living requirements. 我希望我的朋友真诚、成熟、幽默、热情、自信、有良好的教育背景和个人修养,有足够的能力满足自己对生活的要求。