- person under curatorship [法] 被保佐人
- A person under the legal age of majority; a minor. 未成年人未达到法定年龄的人;未成年者
- A person under the protection or care of another. 受保护者受到别人保护或照料之人
- It was a person under the eaves shaking out a drenched coat. 同样一个站在屋檐下避雨的人抖了抖已经湿透的衣服。
- It is illegal to have sex with a person under the age of 16. 和16岁以下的未成年人发生性行为是违法的。
- Application form ROP 3 - for a person under the age of 11 years. 申请表格ROP 3-供年不足11岁人士使用。
- Any person under the age of 18 is ineligible for benefit. 未满18岁者无资格领取补助金。
- Persons under twenty-one are not allowed inside. 二十一岁以下禁止入内。
- Mirandize means to recite the Mirana Warnings to a person under arrest . 译:米兰达被逮捕并被指控实施绑架、强奸一名年轻妇女的罪行。
- Supporting the injured person under the arm, we helped him into the ambulance. 我们把伤员架上了救护车。
- The employment, engagement or work on board a ship of any person under the age of 16 shall be prohibited. 应禁止任何16岁以下的人员受雇、受聘或到船上工作。
- Under Reporting An illegal practice where a person under states their taxable income. 申报不足指申报的应课税收入不足。
- It is both a juridical person under the guidance of CETA and a comparatively independent academic institution in the industry. 专业委员会是协会领导下的二级法人单位,又是演艺设备行业内一个相对独立的学术组织。
- Oath which is swore to put the person under the order or rules of a country or an army, etc. 让某人宣誓死服从命令或国家的统治或军队的统治
- He becomes the first person under 18 to circumnavigate the globe by sea alone, and the youngest to date. 他成为了18岁以下孤身环球航海的第一人,也是至今完成这一航行最年轻的人。
- A person under the bar raised, about to hit the road suddenly discovered a long funeral procession. 一个人把棒杆高高举起,正要击球,突然发现路上有一个长长的送葬队伍。
- A person under the eaves sheltering, see the Goddess of Mercy is an umbrella walked. 某人在屋檐下躲雨,看见观音正撑伞走过。
- It is forbidden for employers to employ persons under the age of sixteen. 禁止用人单位招用未满十六周岁的未成年人。
- Where any revision is made, the signature or fingerprint of the person under investigation shall be affixed. 笔录修改处,应当由被调查人签字或者按指纹。
- One who instigates a person under the age of eighteen to commit a crime shall be given a heavier punishment. 教唆不满十八周岁的人犯罪的,应当从重处罚。