- person born in lawful wedlock 合法夫妇所生的人
- Children born out of wedlock enjoy the same right of inheritance as children born in lawful wedlock. 非婚生子女享有与婚生子女同等的继承权。
- The person born in May, you bless. 你保佑着五月里生的每一个人。
- A person born in America of parents who emigrated from Japan. 二世父母从日本移民其美国,出生于美国的人
- born in lawful wedlockv. 婚生的(嫡出的;有法定父母)
- The Chinese believe that a person born in a particular year has some of the characteristics of that animal. 中国人相信在某一年出生的人具有这一年生肖的一些特征.
- Person born in the United States is endowed with life, liberty and a substantial share of the national debt. 生在美国的每个人都被赋予生命、自由和国债的大量份额。
- Nor is any person born in 2050 or later likely to live through a doubling of the human population. 而从2050年开始,任何新生儿都不可能经历人口倍增的时刻。
- A person born in the family of a millionaire and a person born in a slum will never enjoy the same rights after birth. 一个人出生在百万富翁的家庭和一个人出生在贫民窟里,他们后天所享受到的人权是绝对不会一样的。
- A person born in Indonesia by a Mexican parentage is allowed to carry a Mexican name&nbs p;on his Indonesian citizenship form. 一个在印尼出生的墨西哥血统的人同样也可以墨西哥名字获得印尼国籍。
- Article 6 Any person born in China whose parents are stateless or of uncertain nationality and have settled in China shall have Chinese nationality. 第七条外国人或无国籍人,愿意遵守中国宪法和法律,并具有下列条件之一的,可以经申请批准加入中国国籍:
- Harboring criminals is an offence in law. 窝藏罪犯是犯法的。
- A person born in Indonesia by a Mexican parentage is allowed to carry a Mexican name on his Indonesian citizenship form. 一个在印尼出生的墨西哥血统的人同样也可以墨西哥名字获得印尼国籍。
- Harbouring criminals is an offence in law. 窝藏罪犯是犯法的。
- They didn't know whether the child was born in wedlock or not. 他们不知道这孩子是不是婚生的。
- Although this territory's immigration laws would not allow for naturalisation, a person born in the territory before 1983 would hold BOTC (and British citizenship) on that basis. 虽然这块领地的移民法不允许归化,但在此基础上1983年之前出生在此地人士将可持英国海外领土公民身份(和英国公民身份)。
- He was born in the palmy days of peace. 他出生于和平的兴盛时期。
- My son hopes to graduate in law, so as to become a lawyer. 我的儿子希望在大学攻读法律毕业成为律师。
- A person born in Indonesia by a Mexican parentage is allowed to carry a Mexican name on his Indonesian citizenship form.A Russian is allowed to keep his Russian name as well. 一个在印尼出生的墨西哥血统的人同样也可以墨西哥名字获得印尼国籍。
- A person learned in law; a jurist. 法(理)学家精通法律的人;法律学者