- Both are over the Permissible Exposure Limit (5mg/m3)promulgated by OSHA, USA. 均超过职业接触柴油机废气颗粒物有关联的美国OSHA的容许接触限值5mg/m3。
- There is agreement in the medical research community that current Occupational Safety &Health Administration permissible exposure limits fail to protect workers from beryllium. 医学研究社团一致认为,职业安全和健康管理部门现在所允许的暴露限制条件,不能够保护工人免受铍的危害。
- permissible exposure limit 允许暴露极限
- On this basis, the Secretary of Labor had set the permissible exposure level for workers at 1 ppm (part per million), which he considered the lowest feasible level. 根据这一点,劳动部长已把工人的允许接触水平规定为百万外之一,他认为这是最低的可行性水平。
- permissible concentration-short term exposure limit 短时间接触浓度
- Consult local authorized for acceptable exposure limits. 谘询地方当局的专家;可接受的曝露范围.
- Based on two sets of data from occupational epidemiology, Benchmark dose(BMD) was applied to estimate biological exposure limit (BEL). 根据职业流行病学资料,研究基准剂量(BMD)在制定生物接触限值中的应用。
- The EEL represents a cumulative exposure limit taking into account both the time of exposure and the concentration at which the exposure occurs. eel代表了一个既考虑了暴露时间又考虑了暴露发生时的浓度的累积的暴露极限。
- Permissible Concentration-Short Term Exposure Limit, PC-STEL 短时间接触容许浓度
- maximum permissible exposure (MPE) 最大允许曝射量
- "Is the maximum number of permissible exposures documented with a system to track the number of exposures? 可允许的最大曝光次数是否有文件规定并有系统对曝光次数进行跟踪?"
- While exposure at these levels may produce injury, the injury would be reversible. The EEL represents a cumulative exposure limit taking into account both the time of exposure and the concentration at which the exposure occurs. 虽然在这种水平的暴露可能导致伤害,但伤害是可逆的。eel代表了一个既考虑了暴露时间又考虑了暴露发生时的浓度的累积的暴露极限。
- The German occupational exposure limit for fumes and aerosols emitted from hot bitumen is a technical guidance value, which reflects technical feasibility and is not primarily based on toxicological findings. 德国对于沥青烟气和悬浮颗粒的限值只是一种技术性指导数据,反映了技术上的可行性,而主要不是依据毒理学方面的研究得出的。
- Respiratory protection: If there is potential to exceed exposure limits, use and approved respirator. 呼吸的保护:如果环境超出了气体的允许限制,可采用相应的呼吸器材。
- Access near base station antennas is restricted where RF signals may exceed international exposure limits. 一般民众不得接近基地台天线,因为该地射频讯号可能超过国际暴露值限制。
- In area where noise does exceed safe exposure limits, are the workers required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) for hearing? 在噪音超标区域,工人是否被要求穿戴个人防护用品以保护听力?
- Engineering contacts: If general ventilation is insufficient to maintain vapor concentration below Established exposure limits, use local exhaust ventilation. 如果在不够通风的条件下处理,需要采用一定的通风设备进行处理。
- Delay is not permissible, even for a single day. 不得延误,即使一日亦不可。
- Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of vapor or mists. If exposure may of does exceed occupational exposure limits, use a NIOSH approved respirator to prevent overexposure. 避免过长或重复呼吸其蒸气或烟雾,若超过职业暴露限制,请佩戴NIOSH确认的呼吸器。