- There was severe permanent disability among the survivors. 在存活着中有人成为严重的永久性病残。
- Serious injury leading to major brain surgery and permanent disability. 这场毒打让他受了重伤,做了很大的脑外科手术并留下了永久性的残疾。
- Habituation is wonderfully adaptive when we are faced with adverse conditions, such as chronic noise or a permanent disability. 这种能力当我们在面对不利的状况时具有非常的适应能力,比如说对持续的噪音逐渐充耳不闻,或者对身体残疾逐渐习惯。
- In more chronic cases, treatment and recovery are often unsatisfactory - the result could be permanent disability and loss of employment . 在多数慢性病个案中,治疗和复建经常是令人不满意的-结果就是职业性永久伤残和损失。
- Yet any delay in emergency treatment could mean the difference between life and death or permanent disability. 但是任何紧急措施处理中的耽搁都可能意味着生与死的区别,或者会导致终生残废。
- It can cause death or permanent disability, or even paralysis to the point that patients must be put on respirators to breathe. 它可能引起死亡或者永久残疾、甚至瘫痪,以至于患者必须戴呼吸机来呼吸。
- Offering life insurance and total and permanent disability cover with superannuation can help attract and retain employees. 提供人寿保险、意外伤残保险和养老保险等有助于吸引和留住雇员。
- Rough handling and prolonged or strenuous retraction of the nerve may cause distressing symptoms after surgery or possibly a permanent disability in the leg. 粗暴的操作、长时间地或用力地牵拉神经,可能导致术后出现神经症状或下肢永久性功能障碍。
- Medical emergencies are not always easy to recognize. Yet any delay in emergency treatment could mean the difference between life and death or permanent disability. 医疗急诊很难准确辨识疾病。然而急救中的任何耽搁都可能导致死亡或者终生残废。
- Medical Emergencies are not always easy to recognize. Yet any delay in {an} emergency treatment could mean the deference between life and death or permanent disability. 医疗紧急事件并不是总能很容易就被识别。然而,任何紧急事件处置延误,都将导致生存,死亡或者是终生残疾的不同结果。
- We rather not use tryptophan supplements though, because in 1989 it was a cause of the Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS), a syndrome that can cause permanent disability and even death. 但我们宁愿不用色氨酸这种物质,因为在1989年色氨酸是嗜酸性粒细胞增多-肌痛综合征(EMS)的起因,该综合征可以导致永久性的残废,甚至死亡。
- The damages will be amount of money sufficient to repair your auto, to pay your medical bills, to pay for wages you have lost, and to give you something for any permanent disability such as a limp. 这种赔偿将是一笔足以修复你的汽车、支付你的医药费以及损失的薪水的钱,当然这笔钱还包括了由于这次事故给你造成的如瘸腿等长期残疾的赔偿。
- Permanent Disability Retired List 终身残废退役军官名单
- There is no coverage for children under Accident Death or Permanent Disablement in Common Carrier. 因乘坐公共交通工具导致的意外死亡赔偿或永久伤残不适用于子女保障。
- Covers death or permanent disablement to the insured person due to bodily injury resulting from an accident. 保障被保险人由于意外受伤而导致的死亡或终身残障。
- Permanent Disability Rating Board 永久性伤残评定委员会
- However, officials here say Pyongyang is complying with key terms of the deal including the permanent disablement of its main nuclear reactor. 在华盛顿的美国官员说,平壤遵守了该协议的主要规定,包括永久终止其主要核反应堆。
- She learn to triumph over her disability. 她学会了战胜她自身的不足。
- Physical disability causes mental anguish. 生理伤残会引起心理苦闷。
- The conflict killed an estimated quarter of a million people in vicious and at times sadistic fighting, left thousands raped and with permanent disabilities. 这场残酷的战争杀害了大约25万人,几千人被强暴,并留下永久性残疾。