- When agriculture becomes the chief source of sustenance, the community is still small but assumes a more permanent character. 农业成为主要生存方式以后,社区依然很小,但具有了更经久的性质。
- He could write in permanent characters upon a stone. 他能把定型的文字写在石头上。
- The spirit of place offers a fuller understanding of the living and, at the same time, permanent character of monuments, sites and cultural landscapes. 场所精神让人对生活,同时也对纪念物、场址及文化景观亘古不变的特色,有较全面的了解。
- The city supported an initiative to turn this space, a place of transit, into an actual facility with a more permanent character and a new urban identity and artistic spirit. 该城市支持了一项倡议,把这个空间里转变成为一个实际的设施,且与更长期的和新的城市特征及艺术气息相融合。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- He looks a suspicious character. 他像个可疑的人。
- Success and wealth transformed his character. 成功和财富改变了他的性格。
- Nothing can assure permanent happiness. 没有什么东西能确保永久的幸福。
- I'm looking for a permanent appointment. 我正在寻找固定的工作。
- The book depicts him as a rather unpleasant character. 这本书把他刻画成一个相当令人讨厌的人物。
- She is looking for permanent employment. 她正在找固定的工作。
- I wish this book was written in bigger character. 我希望这本书的字再大一点儿。
- They established their permanent abode here. 他们在此建立了永久居所。
- Pig iron used as permanent ballast. 压载铁做为永久性压舱物的生铁
- He is remembered for the nobility of his character. 他因品质高尚而被人怀念。
- She went to a beauty salon for a permanent. 她到美容院去烫了发。
- The squad leader was a vividly drawn character. 班长是个刻画得很生动的人物。
- The injury left him with a permanent limp. 他受伤后就一直瘸了。
- The twin brothers are far apart in character. 那两个孪生兄弟的性格相差很远。
- His actions are in keeping with his true character. 他的行动和他的真实性格相一致。