- To wink at rudeness in children is not sensible. 对小孩粗鲁的行为视若无睹是不明智的。
- Dr. White specialized in children's diseases. 怀特医生专治儿科疾病。
- In children's minds, summers are associated with picnics. 在孩子们看来,夏天总是和郊游连在一起的。
- That doctor specializes in children's illnesses. 那位医生专门研究儿科疾病。
- periodontitis in children 少年牙周炎
- Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in children. 儿童孔源性视网膜脱离。
- What are the risks of diabetes in children? 儿童患糖尿病有哪些风险?
- You should implant good habits in children. 你应该使孩子们养成好习惯。
- Generally measles occur in children. 一般来说,孩子才患麻疹。
- Lead poisoning can cause brain damage in children. 铅中毒能损害儿童的大脑。
- That store deals proprietary in children wear. 那个商店专营童装。
- What is so different about diabetes in children? 为什么儿童糖尿病差异如此巨大?
- Bowel Dysfunction in Children with Spina Bifida. 先天性脊柱裂排便功能障碍病因分析及治疗体会
- Curiosity is inherent in children. 儿童的好奇心是与生俱来的。
- It might be a new type of urolithiasis in children. 这可能是一种新的小儿尿路结石的类型。
- Eye misalignment can cause amblyopia in children. 儿童眼位偏斜可以导致弱视。
- Jain A,Batista EL Jr,Serhan C,et al.Role for periodontitis in the progression of lipid deposition in an animal model[J].Infect Immun,2003,71(10):601-602. 杜强王勤涛朱浩等.;牙周炎和高脂血症动物模型的建立及其相关性初步分析[J]
- She has a background in child psychology. 她受过儿童心理学的教育。
- I like to store data in child elements. 我喜欢在子元素中存储数据。