- Carsten's aneurysm needle perineum needle 卡斯顿(氏)会阴缝合针
- perineum needl 会阴引线针
- Redness at perineum area or swelling. 会阴部发红或有胀痛现象。
- How to Conduct Perineum Nursing for Leukemia Patients? 怎样为白血病病人进行会阴护理?
- Note lacerations of cervix, vagina, rectum, perineum. 记录宫颈、阴道、直肠和会阴的裂伤情况。
- The prevention perineum wound infection is the work which ob... 适时留置静脉针是预防产后出血的关键环节。
- The diagnosis of imperforate anus is made by inspection of the perineum. 肛门闭锁的诊断靠会阴的望诊即可。
- Surgical incision of the perineum during childbirth to facilitate delivery. 分娩时切开外阴以助生产的手术.
- Felizet's perineum needle 费利泽特(氏)会阴缝合针
- Ashton's perineum needle 艾什顿(氏)会阴缝合针
- Doyen's perineum needle 杜瓦扬(氏)会阴缝合针
- Surgical incision of the perineum during childbirth to facilitate delivery . 分娩时切开外阴以助生产的手术.
- The dumbbell like white keratotic existed in vulva, perineum and around anus. 皮损主要表现为外阴、会阴及肛周有呈哑铃状角化白色斑片;
- Results The urethra and vagina had separate openings in the perineum. 2例尿道口、阴道口分别暴露于体外,肛门在正常位置上重建,无尿、便失禁。
- perineum needle 会阴缝合针
- Baldwin's perineum needle 鲍德温(氏)会阴缝合针
- Longjing is one of China's top 10 teas and is considered the best by those devoted to green tea. The flat and smooth tea leaves (resembling pine needl... 西湖龙井产于浙江杭州西湖区,茶叶为扁形,叶细嫩,条形整齐,宽度一致,为绿黄色,手感光滑,一芽一叶或二叶;芽长于叶,一般长...
- It happens to the penis in man and labium majus pudend,labium minus pudend,perineum locum around hymen in woman. 男性多发生于阴茎,女性多发生于大小阴唇、会阴、处女膜周围等会阴部位。
- Besides, urethral block, BPH or the damnification at perineum and urethra all also induce the chronic prostatitis. 下尿路梗阻和炎症,前列腺增生,会阴部及尿道损伤也可诱发前列腺炎。
- Moreover, obesity can also lead to hyperhidrosis perineum, vulvitis, eczema and dermatitis thigh root of the friction. 此外肥胖还可导致会阴部多汗、外阴炎、湿疹及大腿根部摩擦性皮炎。