- amal atresia with perineal fistula 肛门闭锁会阴瘘
- anal atresia with perineal fistula 肛门闭锁会阴瘘
- Background: The aim of this study was to review our experience with gracilis muscle interposition for complex perineal fistulas. 背景:该项研究目的在于回顾使用股薄肌介植治疗复杂会阴区瘘的经验。
- perineal fistula 会阴瘘
- Rectal perineal fistula 直肠会阴瘘
- Intractable rectovaginal fistula (RVF) is a troublesome complication after treatment of perineal cancers or infection. 摘要会阴部癌症或是感染所导致的难治性直肠阴道瘘管是一个相当棘手的问题。
- Two cases were lately cervical chyle fistula. 1例经支持疗法治愈,2例手术治愈。
- Redness at perineum area or swelling. 会阴部发红或有胀痛现象。
- Mr. Charles, can I examine your dialysis fistula? 中译)查理先生,我能检查你的洗肾瘘管吗?
- Method: Thirty four cases of rectovestibular fistula had done fistulectomy and fistulorrhaphy of "H" type in the perineum. 方法:对34例女婴后天性直肠前庭瘘,经会阴行H型瘘管切除修补治疗。
- The first RP was performed in 1904 in a perineal approach. 第一例RP于1904年实施,采用经会阴途径。
- Fourth Phthirus adopted, such as pubic and perineal skin contact . 四是阴虱等会通过阴毛及会阴部皮肤接触传播。
- Urethral Fistula Repair After Hypospadias Operation in Children. 小儿尿道下裂术后尿瘘的修复。
- The fistula was connected with mandibular body but the first molar. 颊瘘与外斜线相连,与下颌第一磨牙根尖不相通连。
- How to Conduct Perineum Nursing for Leukemia Patients? 怎样为白血病病人进行会阴护理?
- The complication was anastomotic stoma fistula (1 case). 并发症为吻合口瘘(1例)。
- Note lacerations of cervix, vagina, rectum, perineum. 记录宫颈、阴道、直肠和会阴的裂伤情况。
- Results No postoperative intestinal fistula or no death occurred. 结果本组病例术后未发生肠瘘,无死亡病例。
- Pancreatic duct scenting drainage could prevent pancreatic fistula. 胰管内引流可预防胰十二指肠切除术后胰瘘。
- The prevention perineum wound infection is the work which ob... 适时留置静脉针是预防产后出血的关键环节。