- MRI techniques have also been applied to various animal models of perinatal injury. MRI技术同样应用于评价多种动物模型的围产期损伤。
- Therefore, the authors investigated the potential application of these agents independently and in combination to attenuate perinatal injury. 因此,作者调查了独立和结合这些药物减轻围产期损伤的潜在应用。
- He had a spinal injury in that accident. 他在那次事故中脊柱受了伤。
- Our best player has been sidelined by injury. 我们的主力队员已因受伤而退出了比赛。
- He speaks she will work under leader of Mr. Pi Te. 他说她将在皮特先生领导下工作。
- A bodily injury, irritation, or trauma. 身体的损伤,发炎或损伤
- The insurance policy protects you against injury. 如遭伤害,这保险单保证偿付你的损失。
- A severe back injury plagued him all his life. 严重的背伤终身折磨著他。
- The injury left him with a permanent limp. 他受伤后就一直瘸了。
- Will Mr. Pi Te and wife be there? 皮特先生和夫人将在那里吗?
- Let pi be the distinct prime divisors of m. 将m的相异素因子记作pi。
- The head injury deafened her for life. 她头部受伤以致终身耳聋。
- The value of pi to a firstapproximation is 22/7. 圆周率大约的数值是22/7。
- perinatal injury 围产期损伤
- An army without ranks will go to pi. 一支没有阶级区分的军队会混乱不堪。
- Objective:To cut off the perinatal blemish. 目的降低围产儿出生缺陷。
- In general terms, N equals PI plus P2. 用普通的说法,n=P1+P2。
- Here. John D. Pietri. He's the PI I use. 这是我用的一个私家侦探。
- How I wish I could calculate Pi. 我多么希望我能计算圆周率。
- So the entire attire is called "pi xing dai yue". 所以呢就被称為“披星戴月”。