Maintain normal cerebral perfusion pressure by avoiding hypotension and cerebral retraction. 维持正常脑灌注压。
We should guarantee that the perfusion pressure of brain tissue is normal when we take on antihypertensive treatment for patients with TIA. 即在保证脑组织灌注压的情况下,将血压控制到合适的程度。
Cerebral perfusion decreases as the intracranial pressure is raised.Irreversible ischemic change occurs when cerebral perfusion pressure is below 40 mmHg. 颅内高压发生时相对的脑灌流压下降,脑部的循环便受到影响,当颅内高压无法控制而脑灌流持续低于四十毫米汞柱时脑部终至缺血而死。
Base on the wellbore tempera-ture dstribution model in this paper, computing the wellbore pressure distribution in the base of homogen method. 以本文井筒温度分布计算模型为依据,借鉴均质模型的井筒压力求解方法计算井底流压。