- Don't reach sideways while standing on a ladder. 站在梯子上时,不要侧身伸手去拿东西。
- While standing up in the pool, place your arms over the lane line. 站在泳池中,让两臂越过在泳道线上。
- No closed-fist strikes to the head (neither while standing nor on the ground). 禁止肘击头部(无论站立还是地面)。
- It is illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing. 站著时一次啜饮三口以上的啤酒是违法的。
- The pain radiated around toward the groin, relieved by lying down and aggravated while standing. 疼痛放射到腰部周围,躺下时缓和些,站立时加剧。
- Her grandmother was rescued while standing on her bed holding her oxygen tank, immersed to her chest in water. 她祖母获救的时候,正站在床上,举着氧气罐,水已没到了胸部。
- Her grandmother was rescued while standing on her bed holding her oxygen tank,immersed to her chest in water. 她祖母获救的时候,正站在床上,举着氧气罐,水已没到了胸部。
- Another symptom is difficulty walking and keeping balanced while standing or walking. 另一个症状就是行走困难和站立或行走时保持身体平衡存在困难。
- One cannot learn to speak English only by reading about it any more than one can learn to swim while standing by the pool. 一个人要学说英语,不仅仅只靠阅读,正象一个人学游泳,不能仅仅站在池边一样。
- Always pressurize a regulator slowly, while standing with the cylinder valve between you and the regulator. 总是站得使钢瓶阀门位于你和调整器之间,对调整器慢慢加压。
- One day in the fall of the same year, while standing in line at the supermarket, I heard someone calling my name. 这个秋季的一天,在超市排队结帐的时候,我听见有人叫我的名字。
- Another example: you're standing at a bar and see a woman ferociously texting someone while standing there by herself. 另一个例子:你在酒吧看见一位女士愤怒地独自站在那里发短信。
- MPLS can enhance network scalability and performance while providing advanced services in a simple package. MPLS能增强网络的可扩性和性能,同时以简单的一揽子做法提供高级的服务。
- Trading with poor methods is like learning to juggle while standing in a rowboat during a storm. 用糟糕方法交易就像站在风暴中的小艇上学变戏法。
- Try stepping on dead animal hides in a tannery in Fez, Morocco, while standing waist-high in pigeon droppings. 不然,到摩洛哥费兹的皮革工厂踩著兽尸的毛皮,顺便站在深度及腰的鸽粪堆里试试。
- A man looks up while standing among old-growth Sitka spruce trees on June 20, 2007, near Long Beach, Washington, US. 去年六月二十日,一位男子在美国华盛顿州长堤附近的锡特卡云杉神木群下抬头仰望。
- During the day, one can enjoy the habour views while standing on the 12-storey high bridge. 白天站在这座12层楼高的天桥上望去,优美的海湾风景尽收眼底。
- The creation of a Game Jackal Profile is performed while you are playing your favorite game! 当你在玩游戏时创建Game Jackal Profile(个人文件)!
- Vacuuming consumes system resources and might cause lower application performance while the vacuumer is running. 清除会消耗系统资源,并且,vacuumer运行时可能导致应用程序性能降低。
- It cuts down on the amount of cutlery needed and allows guests something to eat while standing up and mingling. 在开派对的前一天,你可以摆好桌子,购买不能长期保鲜的食物,准备好切好的蔬菜。