- the central Gansu weeds belt in loess hills mainly consisting of Tender Catchweed Bedstraw, Perennial Sowthistle and Japanese Morningglory; 陇中黄土丘陵旱作农业草害区主要杂草有猪殃殃、苣荬菜、日本田箭等;
- perennial sowthistle 宿根香豌豆
- According to records : sowthistle, also known as bitter radicchio dishes, from Ma vegetables, Sonchus brachyotus DC dishes, perennial herbaceous plants, the Compositae. 据记载:苦菜,又称苦苣菜、苦麻菜、苣荬菜等,是多年生草本植物,属菊科。
- European perennial grass with soft velvety foliage. 欧洲多年生草,有柔软被绒毛的叶子。
- Falsehood has a perennial spring. 虚伪总是春风吹又生。
- Perennial ryegrass throws a lot of autumn growth. 多年生黑麦草在秋季长势很好。
- His brown velvet jacket had become perennial. 他那件咖啡色丝绒上装仿佛已经跟他结了不解之缘。
- East Asian perennial herbs: plume poppy. 东亚多年生草本植物的一个属;几种产于亚洲的博落回属的植物。
- Old World genus of annual to perennial herbs: woad. 一个一年至多年生旧大陆草本属;菘蓝靛蓝。
- Old World perennial bulbous herbs. 旧大陆一个多年生球根草本植物的属。
- A perennial woody plant having a main trunk and usually a distinct crown. 树一种多年生木质植物,生有一个主干且常有一个很明显的树冠
- I go to beauty salon fancying for perennial youth. 十年后我去美容,希望青春永驻。
- Politics provides a perennial subject of argument. 政治是一种长期争论不休的话题。
- I wonder at her perennial youthfulness. 我对她青春常驻感到惊讶。
- This is a perennial investment opportunity. 这就是一个长期的投资机会。
- Urtica is a kind of perennial plant. 荨麻是一种多年生草本植物。
- A rose is a perennial shrub or vine. 玫瑰是一种常青灌木或藤本植物。
- Prepare perennial essential preparative work. 常年必要的计量准备工作。
- Herbs perennial, cespitose, to 2 cm tall. 多年生草本,丛生,在2厘米高。
- Herbs perennial, acaulescent, with stolons. 多年生草本,无茎,具匍匐茎。