- Growth Rate of Per Capita net income was excluded prices change. 注:农民人均纯收入增长扣除价格变动因素。
- The per capita net income of rural households was 2,476 yuan,a real increase of 4.8 percent. 农村居民人均纯收入2476元,实际增长4.;8%25。
- The per capita net income of rural households was 2,476 yuan, a real increase of 4.8 percent. 农村居民人均纯收入2476元,实际增长4.;8%25。
- The per capita net income of rural households increased from 2,090 Yuan to 2,476 Yuan,up by an annual average of 3.8% in real terms. 农村居民家庭人均纯收入由2090元增加到2476元,平均每年实际增长3.;8%25。
- The average per capita disposable income reached 5610 yuan for city dwellers, the average per capita net income of rural residents rose to 2090 yuan. 城镇居民人均可支配收入达到5610元,农村居民人均纯收日达到2090元。
- The average per capita disposable income reached 5160 yuan for city dwellers. The average per capita net income of rural residents rose to 2090yuan. 城镇居民人均可支配收达到5160元。农村居民人均纯收入达到2090元。
- The per capita net income of rural households increased from 2,090 Yuan to 2,476 Yuan, up by an annual average of 3.8% in real terms. 农村居民家庭人均纯收入由2090元增加到2476元,平均每年实际增长3.;8%25。
- Leading industries in cotton, wheat, dates, apricots, aquaculture mainly in 2006 per capita net income for the township, 3083.7 yuan. 主导产业以棉花、小麦、枣、杏、养殖业为主,2006年全乡人均纯收入3083.;7元。
- The average per capita net income of peasants and herdsmen was 975 yuan,an increase of 48.3 percent compared to 1991 and an average annual increase of 8.2 percent. 农牧民人均纯收入975元,比1991年增长48.;3%25,年均增长8
- Leading industries to leeks, grapes, apples, cotton, Sinking mainly one of an area of 8,000 acres of leeks, the township, in 2006 the per capita net income 3200 yuan. 主导产业以韭菜、葡萄、苹果、棉花、凿井为主,其中韭菜面积达8000亩,2006年全乡人均纯收入3200元。
- "Per capita net income of farmers” is the level of net income averaged by population, reflecting the average income level of rural households in a given area. “农民人均纯收入”按人口平均的纯收入水平,反映的是一个地区或一个农户农村居民的平均收入水平。
- Per capita disposable income of citywide rural population and rural per capita net income separately reach 10488 yuan and 4582 yuan.The national lives collectivity reaches well-to-do level. 全市城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均纯收入分别达到10488元和4582元,人民生活总体达到小康水平。
- Leading industries in production forests, returning farmland to forest (Toona sinensis), wheat, cotton, mainly migrant workers, the township, in 2006 the per capita net income 3300 yuan. 主导产业以经济林、退耕还林(香椿)、小麦、棉花、外出务工为主,2006年全乡人均纯收入3300元。
- Annual per capita net income (RMB yuan) 年人均收入(元)
- Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households 人均纯收入
- Per capita net income of farmers 人均纯收入
- per capita net income of peasants 农民人均纯收入
- per capita net income of rural residents 农民人均纯收入
- Annual Per Capita Net Income in Indigent Counties (yuan) 贫困县当年人均纯收入(元)
- The average per capita disposable income reached 5,160 yuan for city dwellers. The average per capita net income of rural residents rose to 2,090 yuan 城镇居民人均可支配收入达到5160元。农村居民人均纯收入达到2090元