- per 100 km 每百公里
- The highway density increased from 12.1 km to 14.6 km per 100 square km. 公路密度由每百平方公里12.;1公里提高到14
- One ton saved on an urban bus saves between about 1700 -1900 liters of diesel per 100,000 km. 一辆城市公交车上减轻一吨重量每10万公里可省油约1700到1900升。
- Less than 100 km from Tokyo lies the spectacular Hakone area. 从东京到风景壮丽的箱根不到100公里。
- Please include in quote CBM per 100,000 pcs by part number. 请把每100,000个的体积(立方米)按照零件号的不同列在报价里面。
- N.R. refers to number of notifications per 100 000 population. 呈報比率按每十萬名人口計算。
- The actor admits there is more than one obstacle to starring in the period piece being shot on a sprawling ranch about 100 km west of Calgary. 他承认在卡尔加里向西100公里的广阔牧场拍片时的确遇到了不少困难。
- Tula, believed to be the capital of the Toltecs and which was located about 100 km north of present-day Mexico City. 图拉被认为是前哥伦布时期托尔特克的首府,托尔特克则位于今天墨西哥城的北面100公里处。
- The overall incidence of HCC was 1502 cases per 100 000 person years. 总体上,每年万人中有1502例肝癌发生。
- It has a top speed of 407 kmph and takes only 2.5 seconds to reach 100 km from standstill. 该车时速最高可达407公里,从0到100公里的加速时间仅需2.;5秒。
- Distance of 300 km south of Dalian, Yingkou Bayuquan 100 km, the railway road waterway Zonghengjiaocuo. 距南部大连港300公里,营口鲅鱼圈100公里,公路铁路水路纵横交错。
- The Maltese islands are situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea about 100 km South of Italy. 马耳他群岛位于地中海中部,距意大利南部100 公里。
- The Gulei peninsula is more than 100 km from Zhangzhou's urban area, which has a population about 1 million. 古雷半岛离漳州市100公里,拥有100万人口。
- The mortality rate of pregnant and lying-in women dropped to 56.2 persons per 100 thousand. 孕产妇死亡率已降低到56.;2/10万。
- Design speed of 100 km / hour, two-way carriageway plus four consecutive Jinjitingjudai. 设计行车速度100公里/小时,双向四车道加连续紧急停车带。
- Tatun Chieftain Manor in Bijie City, Guizhou Province 100 km of the Dongbei Yu Tunxiang. 大屯土司庄园位于贵州省毕节市东北隅100公里的大屯乡。
- The crime rate of 1 036 cases per 100 000 population in the year was the lowest in the past 24 years. 以10万人为单位计算,年内的罪案数字为1036宗,是过去24年所录得最低的罪案率。
- Although only a mythical tale, it is a reflection of the terrible heat of the region known as the Flaming Mountain which is about 100 km east to west. 这神话反映了火焰山的炎热。
- During the five years, the sector built 5,700 km of railways, 4,100 km of double-tracked lines and electrified 4,300 km of lines. 完成新线铺轨5700公里,增建复线铺轨4100公里,既有线电气化改造4300公里。
- The mortality rate of pregnant women and women in labor dropped to 56.2 per 100,000 from 61.9 per 100,000 in 1995. 孕产妇死亡率由1995年的61.;9/10万下降到56