- pentosan hydralysis 戊聚糖水解
- Fig. 1 Flow chart of pentosan analysis - gravimetric method. 图1聚戊醣分析法流程图--重量法.
- Table 4 Evaluation of feasibility of the four pentosan analysis methods. 表4聚戊醣各个分析方法之优缺点特性评估表.
- Genotypes were the key factor on the pentosan content, while the interaction on the viscosity. 其中,基因型是戊聚糖含量的重要影响因素,环境与基因型互作是籽粒提取液黏度的重要影响因素。
- In different harvesting seasons, the lignin, holocellulose and pentosan contents in bamboos didn''t change too much. 至于同为化学主要组成分的木质素、全纤维素、聚戊醣等成分,则没有季节变化。
- The content of lignin and pentosan in common sesbania is lower than that of in reed, and cellulose is similar. 与芦苇等相比,木素和多聚戊糖的含量较低,而纤维素含量则相近。
- The method of phloroglucinol to determine the content of wheat pentosan was discussed as well. 同时对“间苯三酚-冰醋酸法”测定小麦戊聚糖的含量进行了讨论。
- Wheat pentosan is an important factor affecting the flour processing and food quality. 摘要戊聚糖是小麦面粉加工和食品品质重要的影响因子。
- Accoring to Eberhart Russell,the assay of the stability of pentosan content showed that Yumai No. 34 was a good variety. 采用 Eberhart- Russell模型对小麦戊聚糖含量的稳定性进行分析 ,发现豫麦 34是戊聚糖含量较理想的品种
- Both genotype and environment had significant effects on milling, Theological, starch, pentosan content, AWRC, SRC and cookie characters. 1 小麦品质总体状况
- Steamed bun flour, noodle flour and bread flour were used as materials for investigating their contents of starch, amylose, pentosan and lipids. 以馒头粉、面条粉、面包粉为材料,研究了其淀粉、直链淀粉、戊聚糖及粗脂肪含量。
- The path analysis showed that the coefficient of direct path and genetic correlation was equivalent between grains number per spike and water soluble pentosan content. 遗传通径分析结果表明,穗粒数与水溶性戊聚糖含量之间的直接通径系数与其遗传相关系数基本一致。
- The contents of pentosan, protein, wet gluten, Zeleny volume and 1000 kernel weight of 77 winter wheat varieties planted in north China were investigated. 本研究测定了我国北方冬麦区77个品种(系)籽粒中的戊聚糖含量和蛋白质、湿面筋、沉降值、千粒重等性状。
- Several samples with high or low pentosan content found in this paper could be used as good germplasm in high or low pentosan content buckwheat breeding program. 筛选出了具有较高和较低戊聚糖含量的荞麦样品,可为高、低戊聚糖荞麦育种提供优良亲本资源。
- From 2001 to 2002 in Henan Normal University, with 18 varieties of wheat, we studied the relation between the pentosan content of grains and the spike traits. 摘要2001-2002年在河南师范大学小麦试验田选用18个小麦品种作为试验材料,分析了小麦籽粒戊聚糖含量与穗部性状间的关系。
- Based on phytic acid content and pentosan content,18 varieties is classified into 4 categories. We think Yumai 47 is an ideal variety for feeding wheat in all tested varieties. 通过对参试的18个不同基因型小麦中植酸和戊聚糖含量进行聚类分析;可以将18个基因型小麦聚为四类;并初步认为豫麦47是参试品种中最适宜于用作饲用小麦.
- Significant differences were found in both pentosan content of different wheat varieties and also the wheat produced in different ecological environments. 不同生态条件下小麦中戊聚糖含量均有很大差异。
- The results suggested that comparing with the A - starch, there are more quantity of impurities, such as protein, lipids and pentosan, in the B - starch . 实验结果表明:B淀粉含有的蛋白质、脂肪、戊聚糖等成分明显高于A淀粉。
- In the last 50 years, a large number of studies have been performed on pentosan for its potential broad applications in making bread and other health products. 由于戊聚糖在面包工业和保健品行业具有广阔的应用前景,近50年来,国外对其开展了较为系统和深人的研究。
- This article reviews the latest research into pentosan, including its composition and structure, methods of content measurement and its applications in bread-making. 本文回顾了近年来有关戊聚糖的最新研究进展,包括其组成、结构、含量及其测定方法以及在面包烘焙中的应用等。