- pentasyllabbic quatrain 五绝
- If memory serves, that's the last quatrain. 没记错的话,那是最后的四行诗。
- Do you know who was aware of the quatrain you gave me? 你知道谁意识到你给我的四行诗?
- But how? Someone could have rummaged in my things and found the quatrain. 怎么找,被人翻箱倒柜搜索到四行诗。
- It's at a standstill, frankly. It's this quatrain thing that's bothering me. 坦白说,处于停顿状态。预言诗让我很困扰。
- Shakespeare was a master of many poetic forms: the song, the sonnet, the couplet, the quatrain, the blank verse. 莎士比亚是多种诗歌形式的大师:歌曲、十四行诗、双行联韵体、四行诗、素体诗。
- Shakespeare was a master of many poetic forms: the song,the sonnet,the couplet,the quatrain,the blank verse. 莎士比亚是多种诗歌形式的大师:歌曲、十四行诗、双行联韵体、四行诗、素体诗。
- Second, I now know that the quatrain you saw is a shortened version of the prophecy my father wrote. 第二,我发现你所看到的四行诗是我父亲预言的不完整版。
- I have to take care of fixing the kneading machine. The incomplete quatrain can wait till I've finished that. 我必须修理揉面机。预言诗不完整的事可以等一会。
- Go into Jean-Aim?s quarters to see if he kept the original version of the quatrain. 进入吉恩-埃姆的房间,看他是否藏有预言诗的原始稿。
- A question, Jean-Aim? I absolutely must know who was aware of your version of the quatrain. 有个问题。我要搞清楚谁意识到你写的四行诗。
- Yes, she had heard of them, but she doesn't know the precise contents of the quatrain. 是的,她有所耳闻,但她并不知道四行诗的明确内涵。
- I've come into possession of a quatrain that your former secretary says was written by you. 我是为预言诗而来,你的前任秘书说这诗是你写的。
- Shakespeare was a master of many poetic forms:the song,the sonnet,the couplet,the quatrain,the blank verse. 莎士比亚是多种诗歌形式的大师:歌曲、十四行诗、双行联韵体、四行诗、素体诗。
- True enough, but don't you have a copy of the quatrain, so I can show it to him? 确实如此,你有没有预言诗的副本,让我可以用来提示他?
- A quatrain by my father and a macabre series that might prefigure the death of one of the members of the Royal Family... Quite package! 我父亲写的这首诗以死亡为主题;它预示着一个皇室成员的死亡.
- A quatrain by my father and a macabre series that might prefigure the death of one of the members of the Royal Family... Quite a package! 我父亲写的这首诗以死亡为主题;它预示着一个皇室成员的死亡.
- Mame Hucheloup, a good likeness, went and came from morning till night before this quatrain with the most perfect tranquillity. 于什鲁大妈和那形象很相象,从早到晚,若无其事,在那四行诗跟前走来又走去。
- I clearly remember her talking to me of the quatrain and of the danger threatening those around her. And then we went to rejoin the others. 我清楚地记得,她告诉了我关于预言诗的事,还有她周围的人们正在遭受危险。然后我们和其余人会合。
- Father recalls writing a text very close to the quatrain the Queen is so worried about. But it doesn't seem to be the same. 父亲回忆文章与四行诗非常相似,陛下对此如此的忧虑。但是它们并不相同。