- The penny drops; the guys realizethat T-Bag ratted them out. 秘密被揭穿,林肯他们认识到原来是西奥多在告密。
- He puzzled over her remark for a moment, and then at last the penny dropped. 他想了片刻她讲的话, 终于明白了。
- I tried to explain why she should be careful in her dealings with Vincent but it was some time before the penny dropped. 我试图向她解释为什么与文森特交往时应小心,但说了好大一会儿,她才明白。
- We had been trying to tell her politely to go home,but she hadn't understood. Then someone said that the last bus let in four minutes'time and the penny dropped. 我们很有礼貌地劝她回家,可是她一直不理解,后来有人说末班车四分钟后就要开了,这才起了作用。
- Has the penny dropped? 你听懂了吗?
- Have the penny dropped ? 听明白了吗?
- The penny dropped. 目的已达到。;话已听明白。
- We spent every last penny we had on the house. 我们的钱全部用在房子上了。
- A good video camera will cost you a pretty penny. 一台好的摄像机要花掉你很多钱。
- He dived into his pocket and fished out a penny. 他把手入囗袋中,掏出一便士。
- He kept turning up like a bad penny at every party. 没有哪次晚会见不到他,真令人讨厌。
- He said he would drop her like a hot potato. 他说他会把她像烫手的东西一样迫不及待地扔掉。
- The rain is leaking in large drop through the roof. 雨正大滴大滴地从屋顶漏下来。
- By cock and pie it is not worth a penny. 说句天地良心话,那根本一文不值。
- Let's toss up a penny for the chance to go first. 我们掷一枚一便士的硬币来决定谁先去。
- Interest in the book began to drop off. 人们对这本书的兴趣开始减退了。
- Don't make so much fuss over losing a penny. 别为丢了一便士大惊小怪的。
- A drop of blood slid down his leg. 他的腿上流着一点儿血。
- I begrudge every penny I pay in tax. 我交税交的每一便士心里都不痛快。
- Stop niggling about every penny we spend. 别再为我们花的每个小钱费心思了。