- Moreover, it is easier for meditation to use a Liti (three-dimensional) Mandala than other kinds when practicing Shenqicidi (the generation-stage). 不仅如此,在修习生起次第之时,依靠立体坛城比依靠其它诸如彩粉坛城等更为容易观想。
- Caccia via il beffardo, se n’andranno le contese, e cesseran le liti e gli oltraggi. 争执和耻辱也必止息。
- Among them, Liti( three-dimensional) Mandalas, as the models of real Mandalas, are especially used for many mantra ceremonies. 尤其是立体坛城,完全是无量宫殿模型,为进行多种密法仪轨起到便利的作用。
- It is recorded that the first Fayin (religious minister) of Shampala Kingdom Miaoji Xiangcheng once granted empowerment to 35 million immortals in a Liti (three-dimensional) Mandala, which became a custom and then was passed down ever since. 据记载,香巴拉国第一任法胤妙吉祥称曾对三千五百万仙人,在这一立体坛城中赐予灌顶,而且以后历代法胤都在立体坛城中进行灌顶。
- -- Built in the West, the two major water Liti sand ditch irrigation projects, reservoirs two, and another small fire ditch reservoir under construction. 境内建有西电、大砂沟两大水利提灌工程,水库两座,另有小火烧沟水库正在建设之中。
- Poliomy Litis Vaccine(killed) 脊髓灰质炎死疫苗[生物制剂]
- litis reassumutio [拉]再审
- procurator litis 代理人诉讼
- litis aestimatio [法] 损害诉讼额的幅度, 损害赔偿金的估计
- expensac litis [法] 诉讼费用
- magister litis [法] 承办案件的官员
- reassumtio litis [拉]再审
- contestatio litis [拉]应诉
- Liti se offerre (未占有而)作为占有人参加诉讼
- Liti 利蒂