- The grass was on fire for a short time. 草烧了一会儿。
- The little mermaid felt happy for a short time. 小美人鱼暂时开心了一下。
- Most of us will stay here for a short time. 我们大部分人在此只是作短暂的停留。
- Donna is going away for a short time. 唐娜将要短期离开这里。
- They only stay in China for a short time. 你们只能在中国呆很短一段时间。
- Come by: to visit for a short time. 顺路拜访,串门。
- And they'll only be there for a short time. 当然每次展览时间都会很短。
- A funny answer might dry her up for a short time. 一个滑稽可笑的回答会使她短时间内说不下去。
- After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short time, it vanished. 那只外星来的宇宙飞船在公园上空盘旋了一会儿之后就不见了。
- My good friend shouts for a short time redly. 求一段英语翻译 5标签: 英语 翻译, 英语, 翻译我的好朋友叫小红。
- After that, he must be set free for a short time. 等到那一千年完了,以后必须暂时释放它。
- It is possible to live for several weeks without food, but only for a short time without water. 人不吃东西可以活上几个星期,而没有水则只能活很短的时间。
- penalty for a short time 短期徒刑
- The atmospheric glow that remains for a short time after sunset. 晚霞; 余晖日落后,天空中的大气所发散出的短暂光辉
- We won't be leaving yet awhile, ie not for a short time. 我们暂时还不走.
- We broke our journey(= stopped for a short time)in Madrid. 我们途中在马德里作了短暂的停留。
- Does damage and paralyses your opponent for a short time. 造成伤害并短时间内麻痹对手。
- At a certain point, the Astra will stop for a short time. 在某一位置上,“阿斯特拉”号特作短暂的停留。
- She also dated pop star Aaron Carter for a short time. 她也一段时间约会流行音乐明星阿伦卡特。
- She used to having a busy life in a city for a short time. 她不久就习惯城市生活的喧闹繁忙。