- pelty bourgeoisie 小资
- The urban petty bourgeoisie is a reliable ally. (六)城市小资产阶级也是可靠的同盟者。
- The bourgeoisie no longer exist in China. 现在,我们国内的资产阶级已经不存在了。
- The petty bourgeoisie is also demanding resistance. 中国的小资产阶级也是要反抗的。
- The proletariat or the bourgeoisie? 是无产阶级领导,还是资产阶级领导?
- They are the loyal servants of the bourgeoisie. 他们是资产阶级的忠臣。
- Is it possible that a new bourgeoisie will emerge? 会不会产生新的资产阶级?
- The bourgeoisie doubts our ability to construct. 资产阶级怀疑我们的建设能力。
- Gth of the Newly born Bourgeoisie. 新兴资产阶级。
- And how does the bourgeoisie get over these crises? 资产阶级用什么办法来克服这种危机呢?
- They wish for a bourgeoisie without a proletariat. 他们愿意要资产阶级,但是不要无产阶级。
- From the basis of the bourgeoisie? 从资产阶级的基础吗?
- It is the bourgeoisie that will contend with us for leadership. 同我们争领导权的是资产阶级。
- The national bourgeoisie is a class with a dual character. 民族资产阶级是带两重性的阶级。
- We shall not allow a new bourgeoisie to come into being. 我们不能允许产生一个新的资产阶级。
- A virile bourgeoisie contributes to nation's prosperity. 强而有力的中产阶级促进国家的繁荣。
- Which part of the petty bourgeoisie do they chiefly represent? 他们主要代表小资产阶级范畴里哪一部分人呢?
- A considerable part of the petty bourgeoisie vacillates. 小资产阶级中间有相当大一部分人是动摇的。
- The bourgeoisie has subjected the country to the rule of the towns. 资产阶级使农村屈服于城市的统治。
- The armed struggle was initiated by the petty bourgeoisie. 武装斗争是由小资产阶级所发动的。