- pellet feed mill 颗粒饲料压制机
- The use of commercially available dry pellet feed was introduced to fish farmers. A fish health inspection programme was introduced in May to minimise losses due to fish diseases. 该处向养鱼业人士介绍市面有售的乾粒料鱼粮,并于五月实施鱼类健康监察计划,务求尽量减少鱼类疾病造成的损失。
- The design technology of rebuilding a feed mill to a flourmill is introduced. 介绍了将原有饲料厂厂房改造成面粉厂的工艺设计。
- Since 1994, a moist pellet feed comprising trash fish, fish meal, vitamin mixture and binder has been developed and extended to mariculturists. 自一九九四年起,该署向海鱼养殖业人士推介一种以杂鱼、鱼粉、多种维他命及粘合剂配制而成的鱼粮。
- The experiments were done to study the effect of pellet feed mink in winter hair period. 对颗粒饲料饲养冬毛期水貂的效果进行了试验。
- Since 1994,a moist pellet feed comprising trash fish,fish meal,vitamin mixture and binder has been developed and extended to mariculturists. 自一九九四年起,该署向海鱼养殖业人士推介一种以杂鱼、鱼粉、多种维他命及粘合剂配制而成的鱼粮。
- The company occupies 300 acres of which consists of three kinds of farms, a hatchery, a feed mill and a broiler slaughtering plants. 公司占地300多亩,下设三个种鸡场、一处孵化场、一处饲料厂和一处肉鸡屠宰加工厂。
- Pellet Mill Processing Factors Affecting the Quality of Pellet Feed 影响颗粒饲料生产质量的原因分析
- To build the table chicken breeding &hatching farm and chicken feed mill, table chicken processing plant under the project. 新建肉种鸡养殖、种蛋孵化、鸡饲料加工、肉鸡屠宰加工综合养殖加工项目。
- Poultry companies will hold annual training on biosecurity program for service techs, hatchery personnel, feed mill personnel, live-haul personnel, and growers. 禽业公司每年都要对技术服务人员、孵化人员、饲料车间人员、活禽运输人员和饲养员进行一次关于生物安全的培训。
- A person in charge ,completed the deilun of prefessional atandard "Buildign stand and fo Feed mill"accegned by minstry fo Buide and National plannign comittee. 3、作为负责人和主要完成者,完成了建设部、国家计委下达的行业标准“饲料厂建设标准”的编写。
- Subsequently, partial feed job shops comes out from farm depart, form specialization inchoately feed mill, the feed industry of our country just starts truly. 随后,部分饲料加工车间从饲养场分离出来,形成早期的专业化饲料厂,我国的饲料工业才真正起步。
- Responsible for the negociation in the fied of technology for a complete feed mill ontroducod form haly anaal profit of this anported feed will reaches 20-30 millions yuaks. 3. 2、负责引进江西饲料厂的成套工程的技术谈判,经谈判进行,工艺先进设备最齐全,使全厂每年利润达2000-3000万元。
- Many old poultry buildings, hatcheries, and feed mills can be redesignes. 许多老的禽舍,孵化室和饲料磨坊可以重新设计。
- water stability quality of pellet feed 颗粒饲料水中稳定性
- Many old poultry buildings, hatcheries, and feed mills can be redesigned. 许多老的禽舍,孵化室和饲料磨坊可以重新设计。
- How to Control the Hardness of Pellet Feed 如何调控颗粒饲料的颗粒硬度
- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。
- Samples have been collected from pet food manufacturers, feed mills, warehouses, and farms. 样本已收集到的宠物食品制造商,饲料厂,仓库,和农场。
- Chinese traders also said the talk of the disease had curtailed soymeal purchasing by livestock feed mills. 他们还说,受口蹄疫传闻的影响,饲料加工企业已开始控制豆粕购买量。