- Practice and techniques for peer reviewing on net 网上审稿的实践与技巧
- peer review on net 网络审稿
- Have the peer reviews on your project been effective? 在你的项目中是否有有效的同行评审?
- The newspaper ran the review on page four. 报纸把这则评论刊登在第四版上。
- Bureaucrats revising reports after peer review. 官僚们篡改通过了同业评审的报告。
- He surfs on net several hours every day . 他每天上网好几个小时。
- This document defines an overall peer review process. 该文档定义了一个全面的同行评审过程。
- First they chatted on Net, days and nights. 先只是聊天,没日没夜地聊。
- I've no idea about this. Search on net pls. 免责声明:本帖仅为发帖网友个人观点,不代表本网站立场。
- SG2 Peer reviews are performed on selected work work products. 对指定的工作产品进行同行评审。
- Have the conclusions been verified by impartial peer review ? 结论是否由评审公平的检阅?
- A Review on ReproductionBiologyin Diospyros kaki L. 柿生殖生物学研究评述。
- Research Review on Wetland Ecosystem Health. 湿地生态系统健康研究进展。
- Harvard business review on brand management. 哈佛大学商学院对品牌管理的回顾。
- As regards our commission, we think you will agree that5% on net sales is quite reasonable. 关于我方的佣金,拟为销售净值的5%, 想贵公司会同意这是合理的。
- Review on methods of calculating fractal dimension. 分形维数计算方法研究进展。
- A third evaluation is a peer review of the document by domain experts. 第三步评价是有领域专家进行的对文档的同行评审。
- Review on molecular biology of Dunaliella sp. 盐藻分子生物学研究概况。
- Make the pupils listen to a chant and a song on net. 学生自主听唱资源里的歌曲,并尝试理解该歌曲。
- A review on the development of MIT was given. 综述了该技术的研究现状,并展望了其发展趋势。