- What was the result of your deliberation? 你仔细考虑后结果如何?
- She peer at me over the top of her glasses. 她从眼镜上方盯着我看。
- The girl stacked the blocks with deliberation. 这个女孩从容地把砖堆砌起来。
- After long deliberation, they decided not to buy. 他们商量了很长时间後,决定不买了。
- After long deliberation, he decided not to go. 他再三考虑後决定不去了。
- Children are easily influenced by their peer. 孩子很容易受同辈影响。
- peer deliberation 同行评议
- After long deliberation, they decided not to buy the house. 他们商量了很长时间后决定不买这栋房子了。
- He is so fine a man that it would be hard to find his peer. 他为人之好简直找不出第二个人。
- The child is bright than his peer. 这个孩子比他的同龄人聪明。
- After much deliberation, the president decide to adopt her suggestion. 总经理再三考虑之後,决定采纳她的建议。
- After long deliberation he decided to do it. 经过慎重考虑之后,他决定做此事。
- We all face peer pressure one way or the other. 我们多少都会受到同伴这样或是那样的压力。
- A judgment or decision reached after deliberation. 推定经过细心分析得出的结论或判断
- It will not be easy to find his peer. 很不容易找到像他那样的人.
- Everything proved their patience and deliberation. 每样东西都显示出了他们的耐心和深思熟虑。
- After much deliberation, I decided not to go. 我再三考虑之后决定不去了。
- He was valued by both his peer and his superiors. 他的同级和上级都很器重他。
- After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 总经理再三考虑之後,决定采纳她的建议。
- A person of equal status or rank; a peer. 地位相同的人相同状态或地位的人