- He transplanted the seedlings into peaty soil. 他把幼苗移栽到含泥炭的土壤里。
- Transplant the seedlings into peaty soil. 把幼苗移栽到含泥炭的土壤里。
- Strongly acid peat soils are often low in calcium. 强酸性泥炭土常呈现低钙。
- The best solution for neutralising acidic or peaty soil. 最佳的解答为中立化酸性或泥煤似土壤。
- Soil water drainage and excessive grazing in pastureland of m ire and peat soils are accountable for the deterioration and quality decline of mire and peat soils. 人类疏干沼泽、过度放牧等活动是沼泽土和泥炭土退化、质量下降的主要原因。
- Natural resources as mineral water, clay, swell soil, peaty soil and building sand are also quite rich in amount. 矿泉水、粘土、膨润土、泥炭土、建筑用砂等资源也都十分丰富。
- Shrouded in white smoke, the peat soil still smoulders under the blackened tree-stumps. 笼罩在白烟中的泥炭土仍闷在一个个烧黑的树桩下。
- The peat soil is the mire layer which formed by the plant remains under the oxygen deficit condition. 泥炭质土是植物遗体在缺氧条件下经缓慢分解形成的泥沼覆盖层。
- Peaty soil contained high content of organic matter, but it was too aci dic and infertile with respect to available nutrients and therefore was hard to be directly utilized. 泥炭土有较高的有机质含量,但土壤过酸,速效养分含量过低,难以直接利用。
- Calcifuge Describing plants that grow on soils containing very little calcium carbonate, such as sandy or peaty soils and cannot grow on basic substrates such as most chalk and limestone soils. 嫌钙植物:在碳酸钙含量低的土壤中生存的植物,例如在沙地或泥地中生长。这种植物在石灰石之类的碱性基质中不能生长。
- The effects of porosity,moisture content,briquetting forming pressure and alkalinity on mechanical strength of the coal briquette bound with peat soil have been analysed in this paper. 本文分析了孔隙率、含水量、制棒压强、加碱量等因素对泥炭土型煤机械强度的影响。
- Strongly acid peat soils are often low in calcium 强酸性泥炭土常呈现低钙。
- The Characteristic of Peaty Soil in Dianchi Kunming 昆明滇池泥炭土的某些特性
- 3. Transplant the seedlings into peaty soil. 把幼苗移栽到含泥炭的土壤里.
- 2.Transplant the seedlings into peaty soil. 把幼苗移栽到含泥炭的土壤里.
- A piece of peat that is burned for use as fuel. 泥炭作为燃料燃烧的一块泥炭
- Analysis on treatment of peat soil foundation 草炭土路基处理方法研究
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- Such crops won't grow in limy soil. 这类作物不能在石灰质的土壤中生长。