- peak width at half height 半宽度
- peak width at half 半峰宽
- Through PL analyse,binuclear complex showes high photoluminescent intensity and large full width at half maxium(FWHM). 通过荧光发射谱的测试看到,铒双核配合物显示了较强的荧光发射强度和较大的半峰宽波长范围。
- By using laser Raman spectrum method, the samples' full width at half maximum (FWHM) and depolarization ratio of laser Raman spectrum at stretching vibration were measured. 运用激光喇曼光谱的分析方法,测量了它们的激光喇曼谱在伸缩振动喇曼峰处的半峰全宽,同时也测量了样品在伸缩振动喇曼峰处的退偏振度。
- The relationship between air pressure giving birth to bubbles and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of light scattering spectrum intensity is investigated experimentally. 提出了测量水中气泡光散射特性的一种新方法,利用光散射谱强度分布的半值宽度随产生气泡气压的变化测量水中气泡的分布情况。
- For the same sample, the full width at half maximum of the ground state emission peak is as narrow as 19 meV at low injection current, and less than 40 meV even at saturation condition. 相同的试片中,低电流时的基态发光半高宽仅 19 毫电子伏特,基态饱和时不超过 40 毫电子伏特。
- It is found that the full width at half maximums (FWHMs) increase with increase of the value of Bi_2O_3/SiO_2 and B_2O_3 content. 实验表明基质玻璃中Bi2O3和B2O3含量改变可有效调节掺铒铋硅酸盐玻璃光谱参数.
- By using laser Raman spectrum method,the samples full width at half maximum(FWHM) and depolarization ratio of laser Raman spectrum at stretching vibration were measured. 运用激光喇曼光谱的分析方法,测量了它们的激光喇曼谱在伸缩振动喇曼峰处的半峰全宽,同时也测量了样品在伸缩振动喇曼峰处的退偏振度。
- The pulse width (full width at half maximum, FWHM) doesn't give an accurate description of the ultrashort Lorentz pulse when the FWHM pulse width is shorter than one optical oscillation period. 摘要当激光脉冲极短时,通常使用的半高全宽脉冲宽度并不能很好地描述洛仑兹脉冲,使用均方根脉冲宽度更为严格。
- The experimental results show that all OKE signals are symmetrical at origin, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the OKE signals are 150 fs, x~((3)) has inverse ratio with amount of defects in glass and its maximum is 10~(-12)esu. 结果表明,所有玻璃的OKE信号在0点都是对称的,信号宽度为150fs,玻璃中的缺陷越少,x~((3))值越高,最高可达10~(-12)esu;
- I usually go to bed at half past ten. 我通常十点半睡觉。
- It has also been shown that the relationship between the second moment and the square of peak width at1/4 height is linear. 并证明了二阶矩与1/4峰高处峰宽的平方成线性关系。
- The intrinsic reflectivities of Hg? 1-xCd?xTe and Cd? 1-zZn?zTe materials are calculated by using X-ray dynamic theory and the effect of compositions and thicknesses on intrinsic reflectivities and full width at half maximum (FWHM) is studied. 用X射线动力学理论计算了Hg1-xCdxTe和Cd1-zZnzTe本征反射率曲线,并研究了组分、膜厚分别对本征反射率和半峰全宽的影响。
- Conclusion High-quality wave spectrum depends on high uniformity of magnetic field.The value of full width at half maxium is an important factor that reflects the uniformity of magnetic field. 结论 获得高质量的波谱,需要较高的磁场均匀度,而半高宽是反映均匀度的一个重要指标。
- The results show that, the variation of the maximum intensity and the pulse width (full width at half maximum (FWHM)) of the third harmonic field with the length of the crystal is not obvious. 研究结果表明:入射基频光强一定时,三倍频光的峰值光强、脉冲宽度(FWHM)随晶体厚度变化不明显。
- England were leading France15-0 at half time. 上半场英国队以十五比零领先法国队。
- The tall man always wore his trousers at half mast. 那高个子老是穿着一条长不及踝的裤子。
- At half after ten it began to rain. 在十点半下起雨来。
- Our team was in the lead at half time. 我们队在前半场领先。
- Garment have uneven stitching width at front rise. 前浪缐步不平均。