- peak cathode fault current 峰值阴极故障电流
- peak cathode current in steady state 稳态峰值阴极电流
- A new bridge type high temperature superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) with a limiting impedance of superconductor serried in the limiting circuit is proposed, which could limit the peak value and the stable value of the fault current. 摘要提出一种改进的桥式高温超导限流器拓扑结构,将不同高温超导体制成的限流电阻与限流电感同时申入桥式限流回路。
- SHJ-IV fault indicator installed on the wire, used to direct the flow of fault current devices. IV故障指示器安装在电线上,用于指示故障电流流通的装置。
- By reason of its high reliability, the resonant-type fault current limiter is suitable for EHV power network. 谐振型限流器具有高可靠性等优点,适用于超高压电网。
- Abstract:A control system of the initial fault current angle in shortcircuit test is proposed. 摘要:介绍了一种用于短路试验的合闸角控制系统设计方案。
- When connecting sources to switching cards, install protective devices to limit fault current and voltage to the card. 在将信号源连接至开关卡时,请安装保护装置,限制传输至开关卡的故障电流和电压。
- A type for AC fault currents and pulsating DC fault currents. 用于交流和直流脉动故障电流。
- In this paper, SSMES with fault current limiting function for substation applications is proposed. 文中研究了应用于变电站的具有故障限流功能的SSMES。
- For the distributed capacitance of the network is the main cause of the fault current, it can be compensated and reduced by installing arc suppression coil(ASC). 电网对地分布电容的存在是接地点产生故障电流的主要原因,在电网的中性点与大地之间加装消弧线圈,可使容性电流得到补偿,从而使接地点的电流减小。
- Resistive high temperature superconducting fault current limiters (HTSFCL) utilize S-N transition of superconductor to limit the short-circuit current. 电阻型高温超导限流器(HTSFCL)利用超导体的超导态-正常态转变来限制短路电流,无需短路故障检测电路,具有体积小、重量轻的优点。
- The resonance fault current limiter (RFCL) is a practical way to solve the problem of the bulk fault current on the EHV. 谐振型限流器的电容器因故障电流引起过电压,传统过电压保护技术不适合限流器的系统工况。
- To evaluate the performance of the superconducting fault current limiter(SFCL),the PSCAD analysis has been executed on a... 通过PSCAD软件对超导故障限流器的运行特性进行仿真分析,证明超导故障限流器在电力系统中应用的意义与前景。
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- The superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) can limit current and realize to control the voltage dip in non-faulted line. 超导故障限流器可以在限流的同时实现控制非故障线路电压跌落的目的。
- peak cathode current 峰值阴级电流,阴极电流最大值
- Acknowledge and in time effective protection of power semiconductors from fault current is of utmost importance for the reliable operation of AC equipment on electric locomotive. 电力半导体器件故障电流 (特别是短路电流 )的确认与及时有效保护 ,对电力机车交流装置的可靠工作至关重要。
- Many mountaineers have reached that mountain peak. 许多登山家都登上过那座大山的顶峰。
- We have a precipitous climb to the peak. 我们向着陡峭山顶攀登。