- Compute their utilization rate for the peak hour, Mondays from 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. 计算他们在尖峰时段;星期一早上8:00-9:00的利用率。
- The roads are full of traffic at peak hour. 在高峰时刻路上满是车辆。
- Traffic is very heavy at peak hours. 在高峰时间交通非常拥挤。
- The figure shows morning peak hour volume to capacity ratios. 图中显示早上繁忙时间交通量与道路容车量的比率。
- Full - board rate is shown on the back of the leaflet. 宣传小册子的背后附有全食宿价格。
- Full- board rate is shown on the back of the leaflet. 宣传小册子的背后附有全食宿价格。
- Full - board rate is shown on the back of the leaflet . 宣传小册子的背后附有全食宿价格。
- I think it very unpleasant having to take a bus during the peak hour. 我想在高峰时间坐公共汽车是很不愉快的。
- As peak hour traffic floods into the city, many cars just contain the driver. 当城市的交通高峰期到来时,许多汽车里只有司机。
- The roads are full of traffic at peak hours. 在上下班高峰时期路上很堵。
- As often as not the buses are late in peak hours. 公交车往往在高峰时间晚点。
- During peak hours, the line is often engaged. 在通话高峰期,线路总是很忙。
- The accident occurred on Paramatta road during Peak hour traffic, which creates a lot of traffic around the scenes of the accident. 这宗意外发生在(P),正当繁忙时间,意外现场导致交通非常挤塞。
- Peak hours are lunchtime and early evening, avoid these periods. 高峰时间是午餐时间并且傍晚,避免这些期间。
- No matter which road we choose to use during Peak hour, there always be traffics. 无论你选用那一条道路,有繁忙时间都是常常塞车。
- Conversion to provided weekday peak hour services between Lam Tin Station and HKUST. 改为只在平日繁忙时段提供来往蓝田地铁站及香港科技大学。
- Shenzhen car resulted in a settlement outside New Tactics is the peak hour vehicle licence "tolls". 深圳解决汽车拥堵的一个新招是对外地牌照的车辆加收“买路钱”。
- Stoops said the two major criteria involved in a successful COE evaluation are event factors and combat boarding rates. 斯度普斯说成功地完成COE评估涉及的两个关键标准是活动因子以及战斗降落比。
- The Study has found that while there were localised congestion problems, the average peak hour travelling speed in 1997 was at a reasonable level. 研究发现,虽然局部地区在1997年有挤塞问题,但繁忙时间的平均车速尚能维持在合理水平。
- During peak hour, trains arrive every minute, though the unbelievable crowds make it best to avoid the system during these times. 高峰时期,难以置信的拥挤人潮都涌向了地跌站,为了避免交通闭塞,这时候地铁是一分钟一班。