- The Secretary of State met with foreign diplomats in order to achieve a peace offensive. 国务卿会见数位外交官,以发起和平攻势。
- He hoped to snatch the patent for inventing the peace offensive from Pai Chung-hsi and to continue his old rule under a new trade mark. 蒋介石希望从白崇禧手里夺回和平攻势的发明权,并在新的商标下继续其旧的统治。
- On January 1 of this year, the Kuomintang reactionaries began to lift a rock called the "peace offensive"; they intended to hurl it at the Chinese people, but now it has dropped on their own feet. 国民党反动派从今年一月一日开始搬起的一块名叫“和平攻势”的石头,原想用来打击中国人民的,现在是打在他们自己的脚上了。
- His hasty temper made him offensive. 他急躁的脾气使他令人讨厌。
- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。
- The situation poses a grave threat to world peace. 这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。
- All I want is some peace and quiet. 我所需要的就是一点安宁和清静。
- Let him seek peace and ensue it! 让他去追求和平并为和平而奔波吧。
- I found him extremely offensive. 我发现他非常令人讨厌。
- His remarks were deeply offensive. 他的话非常无礼。
- He was born in the palmy days of peace. 他出生于和平的兴盛时期。
- The troops took up offensive positions. 部队已准备发起攻击。
- He bridled (with anger) at her offensive remarks. 他听了她无礼的话(愤怒得)扬起头来。
- I bought her some flowers as a peace offering. 我买了一些花送给她表示歉意。
- Peace was the dominant theme of the conference. 和平是大会的首要议题。
- That pact didn't advance peace among nations. 这一公约并没有促进国际和平。
- The advertisements were highly offensive to woman. 这些广告令女士们大为反感。
- He was still on the offensive against the sponsors. 他仍在攻击主办人。
- We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我们要争取持久的世界和平。
- The boss kicked him out for an offensive remark. 老板因为他说了一句冒犯的话就把他开除了。