- The illicit money was covered into the Treasury. 赃款被解入国库。
- This could lead to a massive short covering into this week quadruple witching expiration. 这有可能使得在本周期权期货到期的“四重魔力日” 之前出现强大的空头回补行情。
- How much do you wish to pay into your account? 你希望在你的户头上存多少?
- I have to pay in$50 to cover a cheque that I wrote. 我得存入50美元以支付我开的一张支票。
- TEXIM, s.r.o. - our products and services are covered into the following ranges: Shoe, boot and Export as well as Technical and/or Industry. 公司积累了多年经验,在自己的网页上这家企业为您介绍其它的专门产品,例如关于附属的、增补的,服装,轮胎成型、服装批量生产,(车床)鞍形座、砧子、砧座,鞋、闸瓦承座,靴子,皮革。
- PRAGATI PLASTICS PVT LTD - our products and services are covered into the following ranges: Bellows, Bellows and Seals as well as Seals and/or Bellows. PRAGATI PLASTICS PVT LTD是一家令客户满意的企业,该企业制造杰出的波纹管,波纹管,皮碗、涨圈、密封圈、轴环,铅封、封口铅(牙用)填料。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。
- TOP TRADE Holesov, spol. s r.o. - our products and services are covered into the following ranges: Campers, Ironmongery and Rental as well as Confectionery and/or Sale. 是一家现代化的、可靠的专门产品供应商,这家供应商从事野营汽车,小五金,糕点制作、糕点厂,机械出租,卖、出售的制造、销售。请您访问我们的主页或者发送给我们电子邮件,垂询当前的产品类别和服务。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- "What the bloody fuck are you doing here?" he grunts, dragging himself into a seated position and tugging the covers into his lap. “该死的你他妈的在这儿干吗?“他嘟囔着,坐起身来,用被单盖住了两腿之间。
- The rate of pay was built into her contract. 工资率已写进了她的合同。
- I shall have to prod him to pay me what he owes. 我将不得不催促他把欠我的钱还给我。
- I will pay nothing under compulsion. 在强迫之下我分文也不愿付。
- I'd like to pay one hundred dollars into my checking account. 我想在我的支票存款中存入100美元。
- AUTOKLUB BOHEMIA ASSISTANCE, a.s. - our products and services are covered into the following ranges: Towing services, information and Traffic as well as Distribution and/or Highway. 是一家现代化的、可靠的产品供应商,这家供应商从事结构、构造、设计,快速连接的制造、销售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的产品系列和服务。
- Joel wanted to pay William off for backbiting him. 乔尔因威廉在背后说他坏话而要对他进行报复。
- Metallgie?erei Ralf Mewes GmbH - our products and services are covered into the following ranges: Metal castings, Metal goods and Light metal cast as well as Ingot pouring and/or Light metal permanent mould casting. 是一家令客户满意的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、专门的产品,例如轻金属铸件。
- Her tearful family came to pay their last respects. 她全家含泪前来向死者告别。
- The Detroit auto workers went out for higher pay. 底特律的汽车工人为争取提高工资而罢工。
- Unwaged members pay a lower entrance fee. 无固定收入的人入场费从优。