- The workers and staff members of a foreign-capital enterprise shall pay individual income tax in accordance with the provisions of Chinese laws and regulations. 第五十一条外资企业的职工应当依照中国法律、法规的规定,缴纳个人所得税。
- Individuals who reside for more than five years shall, commencing from the sixth year, pay individual income tax on the whole amount of income derived from sources outside the People's Republic of China. 居住超过五年的个人,从第六年起,应当就其来源于中国境外的全部所得缴纳个人所得税。
- To elevate the upper limit of paying individual income tax is to deprive the honor of ratepaying from the low-incomes. “个人所得税起征点太高就剥夺了低收入者作为纳税人的荣誉。”
- Because,people pays individual income tax is its demesne belongings gets legal protection, so this? 人们交个人所得税是因为其私有财产受法律保护,那么这次呢?
- What are the methods of reporting and paying individual income tax for foreign individuals? 九、外籍个人所得税申报方式如何?
- He should pay IIT,i.e.,individual income tax. 应该缴纳个人所得税。
- X: Mr.Green is required to pay IIT (i.e. Individual Income Tax). 谢:格林先生应缴的是个人所得税。
- What kind of foreign individuals shall pay Individual Income Tax (IIT) in China? (Definition of Foreign Individuals) 问:哪些外籍个人应缴纳个人所得税(纳税人的确定)?
- Sponsor's individual income tax receipts? 资助人个人所得税收据?
- Which material will be need for declaring individual income tax? 首次申报个人所得税需要携带哪些材料?
- Individual income tax is an important tax in many counties. 个人所得税是许多国家的重要税收。
- "Individuals who are neither domiciled nor resident in China, or who are not domiciled and reside for less than one year in China, shall pay individual income tax in accordance with this Law on income derived form sources within China." 在中国境内无住所又不居住或者无住所而在境内居住不满一年的个人,从中国境内取得的所得,依照本法规定缴纳个人所得税。
- Which data need i take to declare individual income tax first time? 首次申报个人所得税需要携带哪些材料?
- What materials will be carried for declaring individual income tax. 首次申报个人所得税需要携带哪些材料?
- What is needed for declaring the individual income tax first time. 首次申报个人所得税需要携带哪些材料?
- Her individual income tax has been withheld from her paycheque. 她的个人所得税已经从工资中扣缴过了。
- To prepare payroll and settle individual income tax for local employees, to issue individual tax invoice for those who need to pay housing loans. 代发工资,代扣代缴个人所得税,为购房雇员出具独立税单。
- Mr.Levine asks about the formalities to file Individual Income Tax returns. 勒万先生询问有关办理交纳个人所得税的手续。
- Our current individual income tax rate is based on the surtax system. 我国现行的个人所得税采用的是超额累进税率制。
- How does one calculate the individual income tax other than wages and salaries? 六、工资薪金以外的所得如何计算个人所得税?