- Ward Cunningham\'s Episodes pattern language appeared in PLoP2. 在PLoP2中WardCunninghams的插入了一段有关模式语言的文章。
- The theory of pattern language by Christopher Alexander mainly expounds a kind of design method, a principle of design. 模式语言理论由Christopher Alexander 提出,主要阐述一种设计方法,一种动态的、大众化的设计理念。
- The author who has work for five years in system developing first presents PLIS(Pattern Language For Information System) on the base of self experience and mass literature. 本文结合实际工作经验,在研究了大量文献的基础上,首次提出了一种面向信息系统开发过程的模式语言PLIS(Pattern Language for Information System)。
- Beginning with the design method, Chapter 3 discusses the development of Alexander's architectural theories, from "decompose-synthesize method" to pattern language. 第三章从设计方法入手,讨论了亚历山大建筑理论从解体合成法到模式语言方法所经历的发展;
- My specific purpose for the first wiki was to create an environment where we might link together each other\'s experience to discover the pattern language of programming. 我对第一个维基的具体目的就是要创建一种环境,在那里我们可以把每个人在编程模式语言方面的体验都链接在一起。
- To develop robust,maintainable Multi-agent System (MAS),an Agent Pattern Language (APL) has been proposed in the light of Generative programming and engineering disciplines for Grammarware,in company with a single Agent architecture based on blackboard. 为了有效地构造可靠、便于维护的多Agent系统(MAS),根据Grammarware的工程化思想与产生式编程技术,以基于黑板的单Agent结构为基础,提出一种Agent模板语言(APL)。
- The first part is to find a systematizing method to generalize pattern language by inviting experts to join a design workshop to edit a series of systematic pattern language through the discussion. 研究内容将探讨运用模式语言在产品设计领域时,对于设计初学者的草图构想展开阶段是否具有实质的效益。
- This kind of connection is what differentiates a library of patterns as we have described in the GoF book from a pattern language. 在这点上,我们发现我们的微架构也是没有立足之地的。
- Pattern languages are widely used in real worldtransformation technologies such as Perl and XSL. 模式语言在模型变换中被广泛使用,比如Perl和XSL。
- A Pattern Language for Developing DOM Application 一种用于DOM应用程序开发的模式语言
- Based Pattern and Patterns Language, we study how the developers have applied Pattern Language to develop The ACE ORB (TAO) and describe the key design challenges when developing extensible ORB. 本文在对ORB可扩展性分析的基础上,结合ACE/TAO和模式语言分析了开发可扩展ORB中间件的关键挑战及应对模式。
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。
- The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。
- He roughed in the curves he intended his pattern to take. 他粗略地勾出了他设想中图案的曲线。
- The curtains had an elaborate pattern of flowers. 窗帘上绘有精美的花卉图案。
- An open, crisscross pattern or weave. 格子细工开放式交叉结构或编织法
- So as to conform to a type, standard, or pattern. 纯粹地符合类型、标准或模式地
- Mary used a paper pattern to make her new dress. 玛丽按照纸样缝制她的新衣服。
- I don't like the pattern on the fabric. 我不喜欢那块布料上的图案。
- His speech followed the usual pattern. 他按照通常的方式讲话。