- pattem of capital accumulation 资本积累方式
- The benefit of capital accumulation is a decisive factor in sustainable economic growth. 摘要资本积累效益是影响经济持续稳定增长的重要因素。
- The penetration of capital provides the general condition for capital accumulation. 资本的扩张和渗透为资本积累提供了必要的条件。
- Based on the relation between the benefit of capital accumulation and economic growth, this article puts forward a model and estimates the efficiency in various periods. 通过对资本积累效益与经济增长关系的理论分析,提出了资本积累效益的测度与检验模型,并对我国不同时期资本积累效益进行了测算比较。
- The result suggests that the benefit of capital accumulation in China is rather limited, and improving the benefit of human capital is crucial to the future economic growth in the country. 结果表明,我国物质资本积累效益存在明显下滑趋势,人力资本积累效益则不断提高,加快人力资本的积累是未来经济持续增长的重要保证。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- efficient paths of capital accumulation 资本积累的有效途径
- A decision of capital importance. 一个头等重要的决定
- The main impediment to growth was a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- Shortage of capital was a factor holding back economic development. 资金短缺是影响经济发展的一个因素。
- This is capital accumulation on a grand scale. 这是宏大规模的资本积累。
- The cause of flight of capital is the unstable political situation. 资本外逃是因为政治的不稳定。
- He was always preaching the virtues of capitalism. 他总是宣传资本主义的长处。
- Have you tried pinning him down on the question of capital punishment? 你试着让他说出对实行极刑的意见了吗?
- At last they ceased working for lack of capital. 他们终于由于缺乏资金而停工了。
- He argued in favour of capital punishment. 他提出理由赞成严惩。
- An inflow of capital is a surplus. 资本的输入是一项顺差。
- There is mention of capital penalties for rape. 对强奸有死刑的规定。
- He long urged the abolition of capital punishment. 他长期要求废除死刑。
- Abstract: In this paper, we discuss a new method for camera self- calibration based on a plane pattem of equilateral - dodecagon. 摘 要: 给出一种基于平面模板摄象机自定标的新算法。