- Cellular immunity plays an important role in defense against diseases, such as pathogenic infection,autoimmunity and tumor. 细胞免疫在防御外来病原感染、自身免疫及肿瘤等疾病中发挥重要作用。
- After pathogen infection,plant will acquire a long lasting broad-spectrum resistance,known as systemic acquired resistance (SAR). 受病原体感染后,植物会获得一种持久广泛的抗性,称为系统获得性抗性,受到昆虫侵害时也会获得类似的系统获得性抗性。
- Results suggested that PG activity increased constantly during pathogen infection, while PMG was more active at the early infection period. 其中PG和PMG是降解果实胞壁的主要酶类,在整个致病过程中起重要作用。
- PAMP is the molecular marker expressed on the cell surface with pathogen infection,which tends to be conservative during evolution and can be recognized by TLR. PAMP主要是指广泛存在于病原体细胞表面的分子标志,它们在进化中趋于保守,TLR可对PAMP 进行识别。
- According to the factors of UV-radiation level, the degree of pathogen infection, and resistant varieties of plant, UV-radiation have different acting mechanisms to different pathosystems. 根据UV辐射水平、病菌侵染程度及植物抗性品种等因素的影响,UV辐射对不同植物病害系统也存在不同的作用机制。
- Expression of these enzymes in AHL-dependent pathogens and transgenic plants efficiently quenching the acceleration of QS signal and blocks pathogenic infection. 在AHL依赖型致病菌和转基因植物中表达AHL降解酶能有效地抑制QS信号分子的积累,从而阻断了病原细菌的发病机制,提高了植物的抗病性。
- Expression of these genes encoding AHL-dagrading enzyme in AHL-dependent pathogens and plants efficiently quench the acceleration of QS signal and blocks pathogenic infection. 在AHL依赖型致病菌和转基因植物中AHL降解酶能有效地抑制QS信号分子的积累,从而阻断病原细菌的发病机制,提高了植物的抗病性。
- The selected sequences are tested for biological function by their actiation of T-cells of HLA transgenic mice and of pathogen infected subjects. 选定的序列通过激活HLA转基因鼠的T-细胞和感染的受试者病原菌来检测其生物学功能。
- The pathogen infection is an important factor to occur the unhealthy pregnancy,the major pathogens of unhealthy pregnancy are B 19 V,CMV,TOX,RV,HSV.These pathogens infection should be detected timely in gestational period. 病原体感染是导致不良妊娠的重要原因之一 ,其中B19V、CMV、TOX、RV、HSV可能是主要病原体 ,其余病原体对导致不良妊娠也有一定的影响。
- To further explore the mechanism underlying interactions between pathogens and hosts' MAPK pathway, is of benefit to our understanding of nature as well as to our fight against pathogen infection. 简单介绍了MAPK信号通路的背景并详细总结了近几年关于病原菌如何作用于MAPK信号通路的研究工作,希望以此能够拓展对病原菌与宿主细胞作用方式的认识,深化对MAPK重要作用的了解。
- My right eardrum have become infect. 我的右耳鼓已经感染了。
- Diversified Host Reaction to Gray Leaf Spot Pathogen Infection 玉米灰斑病菌致病过程的寄主反应研究
- Antibiotic can be used against infection. 抗菌素可以用来防止感染。
- The infection is at last responding to medication. 药物治疗终于开始对感染显出效果。
- This infection is transmitted by mosquitoes. 这种传染病是由蚊子传染的。
- Her cheerful spirits and bubble laughter infect the whole class. 她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班。
- Besides diplococcus gonorrhoeae,the urethra which causes by other pathogens infects is called the non-gonococ- cus urethritis,mainly by nature contagion. 除淋球菌外,由其他病原体引起的尿道感染称为非淋菌性尿道炎,主要由性接触传染。
- An ulcer located at the initial point of entry of a pathogen. 初疮病原体最初侵入的那点处的溃疡
- Fever may be indicative of an infection. 发烧可能表明受了感染。
- Are you sure there is no danger of infection now? 你敢不敢肯定现在已经没有传染的危险了?