- These problems include the high sex ratio and the growing population aging. 例如出生人口性别比偏高、人口老龄化等。
- Hatchling sex ratio at this beach possibly depends on the date of egg laying. 雉龟的性别比则可能受到产卵的时间所决定。
- But she added: "We think the sex ratio at birth is probably peaking now. 但是她补充道:“我们认为新生儿男女比例问题已经达到了顶峰。
- Skewed sex ratios raised the competition. 倾斜的性别比例引发了竞争。
- They see the decline in the sex ratio during this period as one of the key contributors to modern feminism. 他们视这段期间的男女比例下滑现象,为促进现代女性主义的关键因素之一。
- And they find that households with sons save more in high male-to-female sex ratio regions. 他们还发现,在男女性别比失衡的地区,有儿子家庭的储蓄率会更高些。
- The sex ratio (male vs female) are 1.5, 1.5, 1.7 and 2.0 respectively, with a trend of ascend. 男女性比例依次为1.;5、1
- The sex ratio at birth not only shows in different childbearing orders but also in regional distribution. 出生性别比偏高不仅表现在分孩次的差异上,而且还表现出了明显的地区分布特征。
- Figures in brackets refer to the corresponding sex ratios. 括弧內的數字指相應的性別比率。
- Campoletis chlorideae Uchida,Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner),Spodoptera litura,mating,sex ratio,oviposit,semiochemicals. 01棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂;生物学;棉铃虫;斜纹夜蛾;交配;性比;产卵;引诱;产卵物质
- There have been populations where the sex ratio has altered, but never to this degree," Hesketh added. 在很多族群中,男女性别比例都存在异常,但是从来没有这么高的。”赫斯基补充道。
- The unbalance sex ratio at birth is ”a tragedy of the commons” from the angle of the publics. 从公众的角度看可以认为中国今天的出生性别比失衡是一场“公共地悲剧”。
- They said enforcing the ban against sex-selective abortions could normalize the sex ratio in the future. 他们说,坚决禁止性别选择性流产能在未来使性别比例回复正常。
- This scarcity reverses normal gender roles, because females are in demand in populations with an equal sex ratio. 雄性成为稀有动物之后,传统的性别角色都颠覆了,因为在性别比例平衡的情况下,待价而沽的是雌性。
- We found no significant difference in the sex ratio between EWS and CS (P > 0.05). 实验增温灌丛样地与对照间性比的差异不显著(P>0.;05);
- UNICEF says India is one of the few countries worldwide with an aderse child sex ratio in faor of boys. UNICEF说印度是世界上少数几个性别比例有害,喜好男孩的国家之一。
- One of the most underappreciated forces affecting life in the U.S. is the sex ratio. 男女比例对美国人的生活深具影响,但几乎不受重视。
- Nowaday, although the fertility in our country is keeping low, there is serious unbalance in sex ratio of the babies. 当前我国虽然人口出生率保持在较低的水平 ,但是婴儿男女 比例却出现了严重的失衡。
- The woman on the photo is my paternal grandmother. 照片上的这个妇人是我祖母。
- In our study, both incubation temperature and substrate moisture did not affect hatching success and sex ratio of hatchlings. 孵化温、度对孵化成功率和孵出幼体性别无显著的影响。