- Triangular-Patch Based Texture Synthesis on Surfaces 基于三角块的曲面纹理合成
- Based on the algorithms of Efros, Ashikhmin and Xu Xiaogang,a new patch texture synthesis algorithm which adopts a new rule to search for matching patch is presented to process strict texture image. 本文针对强标准性纹理图像,在Efros算法,Ashikhmin算法和徐晓刚的多种子快速纹理合成算法基础上,提出了一种新的块纹理合成算法,在搜索匹配块时采用了新的搜索规则。
- Based on the image quilting method proposed by Efros et al., present and compare five methods for 3D surface texture synthesis. 在基于图像缝合的二维纹理合成方法基础上,提出并比较了五种三维表面纹理合成方法。
- Real-time texture synthesis is well researched in chapter 4: (1) we present a new method of image mosaic based on maximum and intensity correlation, and we use this improved image mosaic method to accelerate Image Quilting algorithm. 对二维实时纹理合成算法展开了深入地研究,主要内容包括:(1)介绍基于最大梯度和灰度相关匹配的Image Quilting加速算法,基本达到实时性要求;
- Based on analysis of scale-histograms of textures, a new texture synthesis algorithm is proposed. 文章通过对纹理图像比例直方图的分析,提出了一种简单、有效的纹理合成算法;
- This method is very simple and provides pseudo-BTFs reflectance, using texture synthesis approaches. 这个方法不需要复杂的仪器来拍摄,并且利用纹理生成的方法还原一个近似的纹理函数模型。
- A new difference measure for texture synthesis, intensity structure difference (ISD), is presented. 提出了一种基于结构性信息的判断纹理块匹配误差的新方法:颜色-结构差异算法。
- This paper proposes a novel texture synthesis method to a wide variety of texture and any triangulated surface. 摘要 根据模型上各相邻三角面的法向,采用广度优先策略将模型划分。
- Texture synthesis is one of the hottest areas in Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Image Processing fields. 纹理合成是当前计算机图形学、计算机视觉和图像处理领域的研究热点之一。
- At present, it is not mature.So now it doesn"t satisfy the demand of multifarious texture synthesis. 目前纹理生成技术尚未成熟,现有的一些方法无法满足实际对生成各种纹理图像的要求。
- With regard to an arbitrary planar region, we decompose it into relatively uniform triangular mesh to produce triangles as the unit for texture synthesis. 对于任意平面区域需剖分成较均匀的三角网格,以剖分得到的三角形作为基本的合成单元来进行合成。
- Heeger &Bergen et al provided a way of texture synthesis by using Laplace and controllable pyramids to improve the quality of synthesized texture. Heeger &Bergen利用拉普拉斯和可控金字塔进行纹理合成,使合成纹理的质量得到了提高。
- Texture synthesis based on gradient 基于梯度的纹理合成
- Orthogonal moment based texture segmentation 基于正交矩的纹理分割
- Texture synthesis methods can be divided into the following three categories: Texture Mapping, Procedural Texture Synthesis and Texture Synthesis from Samples. 纹理合成大体上可以分为纹理映射(Texture Mapping)、过程纹理合成(Procedural Texture Synthesis)和基于采样的纹理合成(Texture Synthesis from Samples)三类。
- The video goes much deeper buy showing you how to create more advanced node based textures using noise, gradients, as well as images and procedural textures. 这个视频深入讲解如何使用噪波、倾斜度、图片以及程序纹理去创建更高级的基于贴图的节点。
- Their marriage has been going through a bad patch. 他们的婚姻正处在困难时期。
- Interpolation of user-provided vectors provides a smooth vector field capable of being used to guide the change of directions and scales in texture synthesis. 根据用户在此三角网格上指定表示纹理方向和大小的矢量来插值生成矢量场,用以控制合成纹理的变化。
- The lorry went into a spin on a patch of ice. 卡车在一片冰地上打滑了。
- In order to keep the trait of texture pattern's continuity and structure, a measure of texture synthesis is presented according to texture's pattern and its design. 摘要为了更好的地保持织物纹理图案结构的连续性特征,提出一种针对织物图形图案设计的纹理合成方法。