- Cheese will add extra bite to any pasta dish. 干酪会增加面食的香味。
- Before our main course, can we split a pasta dish? 在吃主菜前,我们可否分一份义大利面食?
- A great wine with lamb, beef and pasta dishes. 非常适合搭配羊排、肉或意大利面食。
- Pizza, pasta dishes and all produced by families. 它的比萨、面食和酱料都是自家生产的。
- Enjoy with BBQ meat, roast lamb or pasta dishes. 搭配烧烤、烤羊肉或意粉美味可口。
- Perfect with fillet mignon or rich pasta dishes. 可与香椿炒鸡蛋、葱爆羊肉、椒盐排骨搭配饮用。
- Serve at 18oC , open an hour before or decant, best with roast venison, or a hearty pasta dish, also delicious with fine cheese and bread. 温度建议18度,饮用前1小时开启,和烤野味或者味道浓烈的意大利面,也可以和可口的起司和面包等一起品尝。
- This champagne is best enjoyed with the best of West Australian seafood such as crayfish with fennel and cream, barramundi or a simple pasta dish. 最好在吃西餐海鲜时享用,如茴香乳酪小龙虾,芒螬或意大利面条。
- Try it with pasta dishes as well as barbecues and roasts. 饮用此款酒可与通心粉或烧烤食物搭配。
- Red pepper: Blend strips or dices of red pepper into a pasta dish, slice it plain and serve it as an appetizer with a tasty dip, or stuff a pepper with a tomato, rice, corn and cheese mixture. 红辣椒:把红辣椒切成条或块,拌入义大利面;直接切成薄片,做为开胃菜,搭配美味的沾酱食用,或把蕃茄、米、玉米和起司调成混料,塞进辣椒里。
- Lamb, stews, rich spiced sauces, roasted red meats, pizza, hearty pasta dishes. 适宜搭配羊肉、炖菜、味浓的香料,烘烤的红肉、比萨、味浓的意大利面等。
- A dish made with such strips of pasta. 白脱奶油面用这种面条做的食品
- Pasta is the main food. Each region has its seasonal pasta dishes, and every family cook their own speciality. 意大利面食是当地人的主食。每个地区都有它的当季面食,每个家庭也都有独特的拿手好菜。
- Food Pairing:Pinot Noir is a uperb match with duck,game,grilled food or ridh pasta dishes. 品丽珠红葡萄酒与鸭子、野味、烧烤食品、浓味意大利面食搭配食用,更佳。
- Food Pairing: Pinot Noir isa uperb match with duck, game, grilled foods or rich pasta dishes. 黑皮诺红葡萄酒与鸭子、味食品、烤类食品、大利面食搭配食用,更能体现出它独特的风味。
- Tosca Pasta is a Hualien mainstay.It has been serving quality pasta dishes for over --- years. 从事义式料理多年的托斯卡餐厅,可以称得上是花莲义式餐坊中的指标。
- At this stage we had to have one of the classic pasta dishes, the Spaghetti Marinara. 在这个阶段,我们必须吃一种经典的面食杂菜面。
- Smoked sausages, grilled ostrich fillet, duck with cherries, venison and pheasant casseroles, and meaty pasta dishes. 熏香肠,烤驼鸟片,搭配樱桃煮的鸭肉,鹿肉和砂锅鸡和肉酱意大利面食菜肴。
- The jelly plopped into the dish. 果冻啪的一声落到碟里。
- A smooth,soft red wine with ripeberry fruit flavours and a touch of aok ideal with barbecued lamb,beef or rich pasta dishes. 这些美好的陈酿个性是由木桶酿造和非木桶酿造结合起来才可生成。