- This is the best seller for the past three weeks. 这是三星期来的畅销书。
- I've been ill for the past three weeks. 我三周来一直在生病。
- Hundreds of people were stabbed in Urumqi during the past three weeks. 在过去的三周内,乌鲁木齐数百人遭遇针刺袭击。
- For the past three weeks we have been in a Russian trading post on the Aleutian Islands. 在过去的三个星期里,我们一直呆在阿留申群岛上一个俄国人的贸易站里。
- Marked on the rain gauge, daily storms are recorded down for the past three weeks in Noris Brochi. 根据雨量计上的纪录,在诺里部落已经整整下了三个礼拜的雨了!
- The bird has spent the past three weeks flirting with the vessel, which is five times its size, on the lake they share in the town of Muenster. 在德国明斯特的一个池塘中,一只痴情的黑天鹅在过去的3个星期里一直守在一条天鹅形状的船的周围,和它“谈情说爱”。而这条船的大小足足是它的5倍。
- Details of how members of parliament have abused the expenses system have been revealed over the past three weeks, leading to several resignations. 国会议员如何滥用报销制度的种种细节在过去三周内被曝光,致使数名国会议员辞职。
- Standard & Poor's 500 index went up 0.2%. On the other hand, Nasdaq index was 3.2% lower, which was first time it showed a decline in the past three weeks. 标准普尔500微升0.;2%25,而美国自动报价指数则下跌3
- Little Fanny was very much changed and worn by the fever and agitation, and passion and despair, which the past three weeks had poured upon the head of that little victim. 小芬妮变多了.;过去三个星期中;疾病和烦恼;热恋和失望接踵而至;袭击着这个可怜虫。
- He is only seven years old but for the past three weeks, he has been carrying an oversized guitar and singing with his father as they strut around the streets of Yaounde . 他只有7岁,但是三周以来,他已经抱着超大号的吉他与父亲一起在雅温得街头自弹自唱。
- IF PAKISTAN'S leaders had ever united against Islamist militancy as they have against India over the past three weeks, their country would not be the violent mess that it is. 在过去的3周里,巴基斯坦领导人前所未有的紧密团结在一起对抗印度;如果他们以前就能用这种态度对抗伊斯兰分子的武装行为,那么这个国家也不会一塌糊涂到现在的样子。
- The young couple in this house live quite a fixed schedule in weekends: in the past three weeks, they always go to bedroom around 11:30 on Friday night, make live, then go to sleep. 住在这里的年轻夫妇在周末的作息很有规律.;在过去的三个星期里面;他们每个星期五晚上都是11点30分左右入睡房;行周公之礼;然后睡觉
- The cipher took me three weeks before I hit it. 我费了3个多星期才把这密码解释出来。
- John tore off a play in three weeks. 约翰在三周时间内草草写成了一个剧本。
- That politician he turned his coat twice in past three years. 那位政客在过去的3年里曾两次改变立场。
- James was quarantined for three weeks when he had scarlet fever. 詹姆士患猩红热后被隔离了三个星期。
- The hands of the clock now pointed to half past three. 这时钟的指针指向三点半。
- We made a landfall at dusk after three weeks at sea. 在海上航行三周后的一个黄昏,我们看到了陆地。
- It usually take me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech. 为了准备一则即席的好讲辞,我通常要三个星期以上。
- The hand of the clock now pointed half past three. 这时钟的指针指向三点半。