- passive attitude stabilization 被动姿态稳定
- The successive governments all inherited the policy from Churchill and took a passive attitude to the European unity campaign. 此后几届英国政府都继承了丘吉尔的遗产,对方兴未艾的欧洲联合运动采取消极抵抗的态度。
- At this rate,students can really change the passive attitude into positive study,moreover,the teaching and studying can be outstandingly enhanced. 只有这样,才能使学生真正把学习变为自身要求,从而提高教学质量。
- The aerocraft attitude control is divided into two parts: attitude stabilization and attitude track. 本文将飞行器姿态控制分为:姿态稳定和姿态跟踪两种情况加以研究。
- Penguin smart seals found regular access, we will lay next to way to take a passive attitude, opportunistic predator of penguins. 聪明的海豹发现企鹅常出入的冰窟后,就会趴在冰窟旁边,采取守株待兔的方式,伺机捕食企鹅。
- If you have resisted these lessons of individualization you may have adopted a passive attitude, moved into apathy, or felt victimized. 如果你抗拒这些个人的功课,你可能已经采取了一种被动的态度,成为冷漠的,或者自我受害的。
- In this paper, the neuro-fuzzy control is applied in the attitude stabilization of flexible satellite.The detailed design method is presented. 把模糊神经控制引入到挠性卫星姿态稳定控制中,给出了详尽的实现方法,并推导了模糊神经网络的自学习算法。
- The mathematical model indicates that different gyroscope installation methods can be used to realize three-axis attitude stabilization. 该模型表明,实现三轴全姿态稳定,不同的陀螺安装方法有不同的优缺点。
- At last, this paper realizes the sonar array attitude stabilization system based on the simulation circuitry and introduces the method of how to make control system with PC/104. 最后,对上述声纳基阵姿态稳定系统进行了基于模拟电路的硬件实现,应用PC/104实现控制规律,并对整个系统进行调试。
- The communications synchronous satellite should move exact synchronous track and it's aerial should be suit to the needs of the earth,while keeping attitude stabilization. 通讯同步卫星不仅要在精确的同步轨道上运行;还要求其天线必须永远面向地球;具有稳定的运行姿态.
- I take a passive attitude. 我抱消极态度。
- In the counterterrorism model in American family based on community policing, the American police have changed modern law-executors with enthusiasm from traditional peacemaker with passive attitude. 在“社区为本”的反家庭暴力模式中,美国警察开始从传统的、持消极处理态度的调解者身份向现代的、持积极处理态度的执法者和社区服务者角色转变。
- The article analyzes that the force act to the communications synchronous satellite in the centroid reference frame, and explains how to retain it's attitude stabilization by asymmetry gravitation causing the tide. 然后在质心系中通过对通讯同步卫星系统进行受力分析 ,并利用类似潮汐现象的引力的不均匀性解释如何保持同步卫星的姿态稳定性
- To play games with aggressive and passive attitude 玩猫戏老鼠的把戏,欲擒故纵
- take a passive attitude; remain inactive 态度消极
- Passive Attitude Control Experiment 被动姿态控制实验
- Passive character, attitude, quality, or behavior. 消极主义消极被动的性格、态度、品质或行为
- The symptoms of burnout are: coping mechanism, passive attitudes, increasing leave times, less enthusiasm about in services education and changing jobs frequently etc. 物理治疗师的职业倦怠症状,主要有:定型化的治疗方式、态度消极、请假增多、在职教育不热心、频频变换工作岗位等。
- The design of control system on attitude stability of maneuver re-entry missile head is studied. 对大机动弹头再入飞行段姿态稳定控制系统的设计问题进行了分析与研究。
- attitude stabilization system of a sonar array 声纳基阵姿态稳定系统