- passing stranger effect 陌路效应
- The charms of the passing stranger are generally in direct ratio to the swiftness of our passage. 萍水相逢的陌生人之恋的魅力,跟过程的迅速短暂成正比。
- When I lived in Japan, I had to reassure fearful travelers to America that not every street corner had a daily drive-by shooting and not every passing stranger would beat them up out of bigotry. 当我在日本的时候,我总得一次又一次地安慰将要去美国的旅客,告诉他们不是在每个街角每天都有枪击事件,不是每个过路的人都会出于偏见痛打他们。
- A sergeant asked the stranger to show his pass. 警官要求这个陌生人出示通行证。
- At sunrise, this strange effect would cause the Sun to appear to rise above the horizon ... then slow to a halt ... then reverse direction and drop back below the horizon. 日出时这种奇怪的效果会让太阳看上去似乎从地平线升起...然后慢慢停住...反方向落回到地平线之下。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。
- Passing stranger! you do not know how longingly I look upon you, 陌生的过客哟!你不懂得我是怎样热切地凝望你,
- The suggestion of such a test as I propose has the strange effect of leveling all mankind by brushing aside all the non-essentials of civilization and culture and bringing all under a simple and clear equation. 我所提议的这么一种试验有一种奇怪的效力,它能把文明和文化上一切不重要的东西搁在一边,使人类在一个简单而清晰的方程式下完全平等。
- A stranger plucked at my sleeve as I was leaving. 我刚要离去,一个陌生人拽我的袖子。
- The stranger was run off as a housebreaker. 那陌生人被当作入宅行窃者被轰走了。
- She was accosted by a complete stranger. 有一个她完全不认识的人过来和她搭讪。
- He hasn't a dog's chance of passing the exam. 他这次考试毫无及格的可能。
- A stranger walked up to me and shook my hand. 有个陌生人向我走来跟我握手。
- Our dog rushed upon the stranger and bit his leg. 我们的狗冲向那陌生人,咬了他的腿。
- A passing car splashed mud on my new trousers. 路过的一辆车把泥水溅到我的新裤子上了。
- Nothing in our experience has ever raised the strange effects of relativity to the threshold of observability. 在我们的日常生活中,从来还没有什么东西使奇特的相对论效应提高到可观察的程度。
- A stranger plunged head first into my room. 一个陌生人冒冒失失地闯进我的房间。
- He mentioned in passing that he had a new car. 他顺便提到他有一辆新汽车。
- He is a stranger to music and painting. 他对音乐和绘画是一窍不通。
- So gird yourself for such strange effects as savage wildfires, disappearing lakes, and freak allergies. 所以,作好准备去应对那些奇怪的后果吧,比如凶猛的大火、正在消失的湖泊以及反常的过敏症状。