- passenger loads per kilometer 车公里载客量
- The daily rate is 300 yuan, plus 10 yuan per kilometer. 日租金300,每公里加收10块钱。
- They are usually red, and they display the price per kilometer on the window. 它们通常是红色的,而且在车窗上列着每千米的价。
- Displays the number of classes that failed to load per second. 显示每秒未能加载的类的数目。
- The fare for the first 3 kilometersis generally 7 yuan and 2.4 yuan per kilometer thereafter. 一般前3公里付7元,之后每公里2.;4元。
- The beaver's carrying capacity is about one colony per kilometer along the river. 新疆河狸种群通过其领域性及繁殖力的抑制与否来调节种群密度,其最大环境容纳量约为每公里河段1个家族。
- China moves more than10 times as much freight per kilometer of its train routes than the global average. 中国铁路每公里货运量是世界平均值的十倍。
- The average traffic fuel( gasoline) consumption of this lorry is0.3 liter per kilometer( l/ km). 这台货车的平均行车柴油(油)量为每公里0.;3公升。
- When carrying voluminous goods, it reduces the overall weight, lowering fuel consumption per kilometer. 当运输大宗货物时,铝制车身减轻了总的重量,降低单位能耗。
- On the image we see we use a steady 400 addresses per kilometer ratio (200 on each side of the road). 图中看到我们以稳定每公里四百个号码(每侧两百)。
- As with all large organizations, Microsoft needs to design its Client Access server architecture to be able to handle peak loads per protocol and any additional peak scenarios. 与所有大型组织一样,Microsoft需要将其客户端访问服务器体系结构设计为能够处理每个协议的峰值负载以及任何其他的峰值方案。
- The fare is 2 Yuan per kilometer, and basic charge is 10 Yuan in the daytime, 11Yuan after 23pm. 票价是每公里2元,并且基本的费用在白天是10元,在下午23点之后的11元。
- Only a little more than 40,000 freight cars are loaded per day. 现在每天只装四万多车。
- This paper introduces the bidding method of synthetic quote per kilometer, its main advantages and the notable matters. 文章介绍长输管道单千米综合报价招投标的方法、主要优点及需注意的问题。
- At present, in accordance with the 26 meters roadbed wide, China"s highways occupies 0.3 square km above per kilometer. 目前我国的高速公路;路基宽按照26米计算;每千米占用土地约0.;3平方千米以上。
- The bearing capacity of a soil means the maximum load per unit area (usually in terms of KN/M2) which the ground will safely support. 土体的承载力即是单位面积上地基所能安全承受的最大荷载(通常以KN/M2为单位)。
- The passengers loaded into the steamer. 乘客上了轮船。
- Through a real air condition cold load calculation example of a villa, the paper provides a reference of air condition cold load per square meter in summer of Guiyang. 摘要对贵阳地区某别墅空调冷负荷进行详细计算,计算结果可作为贵阳地区相似建筑夏季空调冷负荷估算的参考值。
- With so many millionaires living in an area that you could walk across in less than an hour, Monaco has the most people per kilometer of any country in the world. 这麽多百万富翁住在你不消一小时就可以游遍的国家,摩纳哥是世界上每平方公里拥有最多人口的国家。
- IMEI modl WXQ5090GWS passenger loading steps is one of the airport dedicated equipment used to collect sewage from lavatory of the airplane and fill clear water to the lavatory. 锡梅牌WXQ5090GWS飞机污水车是接收飞机洗手间污水,同时给洗手间加注清洁用水的专用车。